Sunday, August 29, 2010

Okay well...

So we went to the Camden town Sunday market today. It was totally fun. It was my idea actually. I took some pictures before we got to the tents because all the tents had signs that said "No Pictures." Probably because they had some ripped off stuff.

Anyway. A group of us ventured forth into London. It took us about thirty minutes and it was probably only a three mile walk there and back. The sun was sort of out today as well. It only rained once and that was this morning. We spend hours at the market. I had to buy the hat. I decided to go ahead and get myself a present. I probably won't buy anything else like that for a while, but I couldn't help it. Purple and paisley. Yes. And I got a discount because they were just closing!

Claire and I (one of my flatmates) had a hard time keeping up with Kate (a suitemate of sorts.) We kept getting distracted by these pocket looking watches that were necklaces. AND I found the local vinyl store already. I'll have to bring my Dad and Mom down here when they come to visit. He might have had a Jimi Hendrix Rainbow Bridge!!! Who knows.

Let me back track a little. This morning I was the first one up. I decided to chill and I made some black tea. I love the tea selection over here. After everyone else woke up we looked up a very reasonable grocery mart. I managed to get enough groceries for a week and I got my necessary communal items all for less than fifteen pounds! I think I'm doing pretty good, considering that yesterday when we were grocery looking outside the store was way overpriced. I got some really fresh looking fruit (I miss eating granny smith apples with mom at lunch everyday!)

So we successfully went to the store and I made soup for lunch. Then I was going to get some people together to go running but it started just pouring out of nowhere. We were going to settle for sitting around in the flat, but I've found the more sitting I do the more I get homesick. It's true it's only day two, but we haven't started classes yet. I'll be better when we can get those going. But luckily we decided to venture out. I located a close Barclay's atm and the nearest post office.

I think tonight we're going to go to a pub and try some beer. I just made a grilled cheese (not as good as yours gramner) and I am going to rest a little while.

I did a lot of walking. I found a really gorgeous catholic church that is pictured here and...don't worry...I'm working on the red phone booth one.

Miss you guys! Promise I'm staying safe.



  1. Nice hat. It is totaly you. Beautiful pictures. Glad to hear you actually went to the grocery store & still have a few pounds. Don't stay at the pub too long. love you.


  2. Delicious black tea and a pub?!!? I'm super jealous! It sounds like you're having so much fun already! I've started working on a little somethin somethin for ya so I'm gonna need a mailing address! Love you Mona!


    P.S. love the hat

  3. Whoa slow down. I can't keep up. Sounds really cool! I miss you terribly. I'm glad you are getting out and finding everything needed ie food. Can't wait to talk to you tomorrow.


  4. I loved getting to skype with you Diddy! Glad you like my hat. :D

    Ellie - what do you mean you're working on something for me. Haha. I hope shirttails was fun.

    Momma! I found the best green apples. They're even better than our granny smiths. Also, I got my International Student Discount card in the mail. Did diddy tell you I'm cold? Could you send my t-shirt blanket please? It's chilly over here. (Knew you were right about that somehow - good thing my clothes are weather appropriate. )

    Love you guys.

  5. Granddad wants to know if you had soup for breakfast. I will send you recipes if you
    will tell me what you want. I love your hat. It is so Becca. Love you...Gramner

  6. Hey girl!
    I'm glad to see you're adjusting well!
    There used to be a fruit stand right outside the Goodge Street Underground station (on Tottenham Court and Chenies Street). We always bought fruit there, they had amazing peaches and grapes! The fruit is reasonably priced and the guy that worked there was super cute. It was fun buying something from a street vendor. It felt authentically London-esq.

    Hope you keep adjusting well! Feel free to e-mail me with questions!

