Tuesday, August 31, 2010

London - Dodgy Business

Oh. My!!!!

Today was my first day of class - British Life and Culture...Woot!!!

We had to be up at ten till nine because Dr. King (the traveling Hendrix prof) showed us our way to our classroom. Well...our classroom was in a building that dates back to the 1720s. No big deal. Woa! My history nerdy-ness was totally on freak-out mode.

Class started at nine-thirty. Our prof's name was Susie Thomas. She was great. She was incredibly enthusiastic about her subject and really funny. We got our syllabus and discovered that we get to see movies and plays and meet places for class. In fact, today we went to the new location of the British Library. They had to move it from the British Museum because there wasn't enough room for all the books.

Well. I saw a copy of the Magna Carta today as well as John Milton's original manuscripts along with some of the Beatles song lyrics written in Paul McCartney's and John Lennon's hand. IT. Was. AMAZING!!!

But. To back-track...Susie (that's what she wants us to call her) gave us the syllabus. We only have two major projects and two books that we have to read along with a couple of poems and one play. I'm uber-excited. We get to read Virginia Woolf. YES! Where's my feminism class when I need it?

The big thing we have for this class is a 2500 word research paper that focuses on a topic that affects British Life and Culture. Guess what? I'm doing the Beatles. Yep. Awesome. I wore my Beatles shirt today to class and as soon as she explained the project I raised my hand and saved that topic. YES! Haha.

After we got through the basics we went on a walk through Bloomsbury and Susie showed us all sorts of things. I got to see where Virginia Woof's flat was and where Charles Dickens lived. Too bad I hate Charles Dickens. Stupid Victorian Literature!

Sheesh! Anyway. She also pointed out some pubs along the way. I couldn't hear here during some of the tour, but I was really excited to get to see the original manuscripts in the British Library. I would totatlly steal Jane Austen's writing desk if I could!

After that we had a break for lunch in which I made myself some ramen-london style (oh the life of a college student...haha) and then we had to start our string of orientations.

The first orientation was our flat contractor's or whatever you would call those people. It was basic stuff that they tell you in a dormitory - so it was nothing new.

Our next orientation was to the University of London's Library. I. Am. In. Love!!! That Library has nineteen floors on two different blocks - the north and south block...There are so many books!

We have full access to anything either on journals or original manuscripts...I am so excited. They really have everything. And also...it's slightly overwhelming.

After that we had an orientation about our University of London Union (ULU) membership. ULU is basically the social network of the University. Over here there is a system separate from universities that takes care of clubs, pubs, and social music.

I am hoping to maybe go to one of those free shows in one of their small venues. Also! They have a cafe that has panini's for 1£ and such! Gramner! Panini's! They're my favourite!

Anyway, after that we had a meet-and-greet at a pub with all our Professors. The pub was all fancy and wine oriented so of course, without my Italian familial unit near, I was at a loss. The college (so our pockets) paid for two drinks. So I tried this beer on draft that was Asian (which is weird for England) but I liked it. It was a lager that was not particularly light or dark. Sort of a middle of the road kind of drink.

Anyway, we talked with our professors. I didn't really get to talk to the Shakespeare professor named Jean, although she was the one I was most interested in. She was hilarious. She was drinking wine with our other professor Susie and she seemed really sassy. I can't wait until her class tomorrow.

Also. In reference to my title...Susie used the word "orgasmic" and "dodgy" and she called me "beccar" today in class. I am so excited about this semester. She gave us suggestions for good nearby pubs.

After the meet-and-greet we made dinner at the flat. I made a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I think I'm making Chicken Parmesan next week. Good food sounds great!

After that we went to check out one of the pubs that Susie mentioned called the Lamb. We thought that it would be our nice regular pub but the bartender (pubtender?) wanted our passports for I.D. OK? That's the only instance we've run into that issue so far. So we continued walking until we ran into the Shakespeare's Head pub. They have great food and great lunch and breakfast for cheap apparently. I ordered a pint of some lager that was cheap but good.

Anyway. I don't have any pictures to upload for you today because I had class and boring induction orientation lectures. I miss all of you so much. Don't worry, I'll upload some pictures from Stratford-upon-Avon from when we go on Thursday night.

Tomorrow I have two three hour classes - Shakespeare and British Art and Architecture. I am excited. I will definitely keep everyone posted on anything interesting.

I am sleepy and going to bed but I know you guys are just getting reading for dinner!

Love you!


  1. Hi Beccat!
    Your mom sent me the link to your blog today. I am so impressed that you are studying in London. I'm also enjoying reading all about your adventures! It sounds like you have found some wonderful pubs. I can't believe that your professors scheduled a meeting at one! (I think that is great, by the way.)

    All is well here at home. The first big Razorback football game is this weekend, and we are planning on going up for it. Michelle is having her big 21st birthday, so I think Mark and Trey are planning something special for her....I hope I get to play too!

    Keep us posted on your learning and travels. I am so proud of you!
    Love, Aunt Pamela

  2. I feel as if I am in London reading about your adventures. I love it when you tell me what you have on for some reason. It is just easier to picture you. I mailed everything today. I had to put the oreos in plastic bags cause they wouldn't
    fit in the box. Ill get a bigger box next time.
    I love you...Gramner

  3. Awful lot of pubs involved, but it sure sounds like fun. Keep us posted.
    Love you

  4. Ok, Beck - for the fourth time - I am going to try to post a comment to your blog! I tried, without success on my iPad but for some reason, it didn't work (heaven forbid it was user error!), then I was busy posting on my regular computer, and was interrupted - so that one had to go. Here I am two hours later, still trying to post a simple little comment to you regarding your "new found" British life! This seems to be more of an adventure than you getting ejected from the tubie! (Geeze, while you're there, teach those bloody British how to talk!)

    Anyhoo - I am very experienced at sending care packages overseas, so I was wondering what your address might be. I thought maybe some Granny Smiths might be nice! Actually though, I don't think they would be as good without your mom there with you, huh?

    Sounds as if so far, you have had one adventure after another. What a life-changing event! I know you are lonely and miss all your fam and best buds, but the time to return home - dragging your sad little bag back through the tube and across everyone's toes will be here before you know it. With the courses you are taking, sounds like you're not going to have much time for pubbing, blogging or much else for that matter! I know the time will fly! However, I also know from David's overseas tours, that no matter how much you are enjoying yourself, when your support system is not around, it gets difficult. But like I have always told David, we are just a phone call or a email away. And really, time will pass fast once you get busy with your courses.

    Well, it is pretty much past my bedtime now, so I guess I'll try to get some sleep. I have been really busy trying to get Bobby's engagement party planned. That is this weekend. It is going to be fun, I think. Sure wish you could be here to join us! I'll post some pics for you. Provided I can figure out how to do it. Not promising anything though! Trying to teach fifty-somethings how to blog can be as trying as making your way through customs!

    I would love your address. I already have some things planned! BTW, I love your blog...blogspot?...blog page? I think you have done a marvelous job.

    Uncle Don sends his love!

    Love Aunt Kay

  5. Wow! You guys cheered me up so much with all the posts. I just finished my first art and architecture class.

    I'll put up a post about finding our class this morning later - as it's a bit funny.

    Aunt Pam - Please tell Michelle I said Happy Early Birthday! I hope she's enjoying Henderson. Also, As much as I pretend to hate Fayetteville, I'm sad that I'm not going to get to go to a football game this semester. :(
    Glad you're enjoying my blog!

    Gramner! Don't worry about the oreos - I know that a huge blanket like my t-shirt blanket is kind of troublesome to send. I miss you. Don't worry - I'll post what I'm wearing today for you later. I look very cute. :)

    Diddy - of course there are a lot of pubs involved. We've had all of two classes. We will be getting in the rhythm more today. No pub. :) And we have our very first trip that we're looking forward to. I miss you guys. Give Jess a hug for me.

    Aunt Kay - I loved your post! I'm glad you enjoy my blog. I just thought it'd be easier to do this instead of keeping a paper journal/diary. Also I like that you guys can sort of laugh at my ridiculous tube experiences with me. Tell Uncle Don that I miss the Daily Record and I hope all is well. Also, tell Bobby I said congratulations. I know he must be so excited for his upcoming wedding! I hope all is well - (and warmer) over there.

  6. Hey Becca,

    I'm supposed to be writing my Brainbuster right now, but thought I'd send you a little note first. Guess it is pretty much nighttime over there across the deep blue sea, and you are tucked away in your little corner catching some zzzz's, huh?

    Hope your classes went well for you today. Can't wait to hear about you getting lost, however that is pretty much to be expected... strange place, different way of life. Maybe you should have tapped into some of your Uncle Jerry's many experiences for a few pointers before you left.:)

    Think of all the stories you will be able to entertain with when you get back! Just don't forget them, and keep laughing at yourself - it makes the mistakes much easier to learn from. I could not do near as well as you if I were in the same position. Someone would still be trying to find me where I would be sitting all curled up in the fetal position on some dark tube somewhere - riding back and forth, then back and forth again. You get the picture... not that pretty at all.

    Anyway, I'll run now - but I will be checking in on you periodically!

    Love you and make the Bona's proud!

    Aunt Kay

  7. What up Big Z? :)

    Glad to see all is going well. You meet any guys yet??? JK

    Hope you have a good time over there. I know it must be hard being away from the humidity over here. Talk to you later.


  8. Hey Zona! Sounds like you're enjoying your little adventures over there. I have this bookmarked now, so I will try to keep up with you. (Kay sent me the link.) I guess the drinking age is 18 there? Also, I like that you're using some commonwealth spellings already.... just don't bring it back to the states... LOL. My boyfriend says "irregardless" and "disorientated" all the time and I think it's because he stayed in England for a bit. I have a Cosmo mag from the UK that cracks my stuff up with all the different words and spellings. I don't think I'll ever trash it.

    Take care and keep us posted!


  9. You HAVE to go to the pub that we went to ALL the time(pretty much daily) while I was there. It's called Marlborough Arms. They're familiar with the Hendrix in London kids because we used to live around the corner from it, before you guys moved to the Russel Square flats. Marlborough Arms is on Torrington Place between Tottenham Court and Gower Street.
    Also, you should try: Kronenbourg 1664, Strongbow, and Stella. I drank all three of those constantly!

    Be sure to ask Susie if she would mind showing you guys around Brighton. Later in the semester most of the group took the train to Brighton one day and Susie showed us around. It was AWESOME. She's a sweetheart, so I know she'd love to have you!

  10. Hi Becca,
    Zol and I just read your blog and we had such a laugh. The things you described are typically British ( but sorry about the rude people) but what do you expect,they are Londoner's .We take what you have described for granted, so its interesting seeing it through your eyes.Don't let them tell you thats what a real English pint taste's like , for that you will have to venture North but if you do you will deffinately need a translator.Also for your newspaper , be glad you didn't get The Sun.
    Look forward to reading more of your post's. Also if you get to venture North , let me know and maybe you could stay with Mum and Dad.
    Lynne and Zol
