Wednesday, December 1, 2010

All packed for one final picnic...

So here I am...laying in the hallway on the floor in my spot in the flat...for the last time. And yes, you're all's bittersweet. Haha.

I can't even begin to tell you how crazy it is over here right now. We're all leaving tomorrow (because the flat people kick us out at ten...) and we're all going our separate ways.

I can't wait to be home with my familial unit and that silly cat of mine. I miss everything so much. But I will...strangely enough...miss some of old London town. Go figure.

I could sit here and write about all of the things that I am worried about, such as airport security, but I think I'll just write and tell you that I'm excited too. I'm excited to come home. I could tell you what I did today, but I'd rather tell you when I come home tomorrow.

More importantly...the weather hates me. It is snowing in London and it is now starting to stick. However, Heathrow is still of right now...and the tube (the underground) shouldn't stop working because of the aboveground snow. Should it? No worries...I'll wait if I have to, I've waited three months...but I'm coming home.

Home is more than where your heart's oh so much more.

Haha. I think I'm too excited to write a coherent blog post right now. I will just say that there is a list of things in London I'll miss:

Going to get gelato/milkshakes in soho, seeing football matches, wearing scarves as masks, running by Big Ben, walking along the Thames, going to the Globe for a performance, getting coffee before class, going to Benito's hat, going to open air markets, going to Abbey Road, going to St. Paul's, going inside record stores, traveling around England, living in a flat that is essentially a dungeon, having a crappy internet connection, talking in the laundry room on the phone/skype, eating really good yogurt, walking everywhere, taking the tube, getting lost, discovering nooks and crannies of london, going to Candid, taking the buses and riding on the second level, walking through the parks, sitting in Green Park in the sunshine, carving pumpkins, being able to go to pub quiz every wednesday, umbrellas, impromptu rain EVERYDAY, tea time, the evening standard...and the list goes on.

I know this is a random blog post...

But I miss you all. And I already know I'll miss London and how much it's taught me...hopefully I can bring some of London Becca back to the states. See you in less than twenty-four hours!



  1. You need to keep this blog to use at the newspaper
    I am so glad you got to go to London and make all these memories. Jess went to church tonight and helped decorate a Christmas tree, They know how to get her attention. I told her she could decorate mine on Friday if she wanted. I just wanted to wait until you got home to celebrate anything. This will be the last comment I guess because I can comment to tomorrows blog in person. It will be soooo good to hug you. I love you ...Gramner

  2. Safe travels to you Zona! See you next week.
    Like your Gramner, I've enjoyed reading your blog. It was a great way to keep up with you and...good way to keep up your writing skills. : ) All the best.
