Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Oh, I've lost me thread!"

Today was my second day of classes. I had both British Art and Architecture and Shakespeare. I think I'll start off today with our walk to the school building this morning.

Yesterday Dr. King walked with us to the building even though we didn't have his class. This morning we had to figure out how to get to the building by ourselves. I've taken a real liking to my flatmate Claire. She and I have seemed to click so far and we seem to be on the same sort of schedule. She's also incredibly sweet and great to talk to.

The class building is a ten minute walk away - but Dr. King has given us a stern discussion about how we can't be late. So...everyone decided that we would leave at nine:fifteen. Well I got up at eight because there are six girls sharing two bathrooms with a shower and one without a shower. Luckily, I shower at night so I don't have to battle for the bathroom. But, sometimes I might want to brush my teeth and wash my face before class.

Well, I was all ready and looking so fly with my black skirt and patterned tights and boots and sweater and scarf...not going to lie...I sort of looked London-esk. I'm sure I would have needed a different scarf though to be legitimate. Anywho, everyone was leaving but Claire was still in the bathroom. I didn't want to leave her there all alone to find the classroom by herself so I waited. We left about five minutes behind everyone else.

We managed between the two of us to get to the building by ourselves. We were on time and everything was great. We didn't want to be the first ones to be late. Also, we were kind of glad not to be crammed on a skinny sidewalk with fourteen obvious looking Americans trying to find our way around.

We sat through our Art and Architecture with our professor Barnaby. He seems really straight forward and nice, and we watched three documentaries. Luckily, his class will be one of the classes in which we only have two classes in an actual classroom. We also don't have too much on the homework scale - just two big presentations and a final.

We got out really early and Claire and I found a free books box in the bottom of the flat where we have class. We perused through it and I picked up a London A-Z from a year ago. :) This is good news.

When we got outside I really wanted some coffee and we happened upon a Cafe Nero. I've seen a lot of them around town and it looks like, from the storefront a nicer and yet quainter starbucks. Unfortunately there are starbucks everywhere - of course - and I want to make it my business to not frequent one during my stay. Claire and I went into the coffee shop and were amazed at their prices. The coffee was very reasonable, so even though it was eleven o'clock, I got a lovely macchiato.

The only problem was that the barista was one of those real Londoners with a heavy, heavy accent. I froze when he asked me a question because I didn't hear the price of my drink in his slew of words. He repeated himself in a not harsh way, and smiled at me. I finally did enough brain activity to realize that he was asking me if I wanted to "drink it here or do take away." Luckily, I happen to know what take-away is so I got my coffee to-go.

We checked the hours on the cafe and we think that perhaps this will be a nice place to study during the week after class or in the afternoon. I am glad that we may have found a coffee shop of our own. It kind of reminds me of Something's Brewing - but a little more posh. It definitely has a nice homey feeling even though it's one the corner of a busy street.

Let's see, I made a sandwich for lunch and started reading my Virginia Woolf novel for my British Life and Culture class during my break. I also wanted to go get my oyster card but by the time I finished my dishes, I had lolly-gagged around enough so that I needed to truck it to class. I got there in time, luckily, and our Shakespeare teacher wasn't in the class yet.

Jean is our Shakespeare prof's name and she. is. crazy. I absolutely love here - at least, I do right now. She may possibly be a really tough grader. She was supposedly going to discuss the syllabus with us but went off on a rant about the Globe Theatre and Shakespeare. She then said, "Oh, I've lost me thread" because she plum forgot what she was talking about.

She then asked all of us what our majors were and how much Shakespeare we've read. I mean, tomorrow we go see "A Winter's Tale" at Stratford. Holy Smakeral! I'm excited.

Also - Claire and I must look British - twice we have been asked for direction by British middle-aged women who looked lost. We just had to smile and say, "sorry we happen to be new here." Haha. Maybe that means that I happen to look London-y?

After class Kemper and I looked through time-out London for some local British bands that are playing this weekend. We found a pretty cool sounding guy - a little mellow - Mr. Fogg - that is playing about five blocks away for free! We are hoping to grab a couple more girls like Claire and Erin and venture out to that show Friday night. I'm pretty excited about that - the venue reminds me of Juanita's and doesn't seem to be huge. Hopefully it's mellow though - and don't worry - it's not in a club. A club is something that I am NOT interested in.

After our perusal through the time out London website I asked one of the guys if I could go running with him. He has been running regularly by himself and has a route planned and everything - and I promised Mom I wouldn't go by myself. Also - he's the only other runner on the trip. His name is Nick and he's an English major and pretty quiet. I told him when I asked him that my pace would be horrible compared to his but said it was fine.

So we ran from Bloomsbury Square to Big Ben and the river Thames. That was a mile and half. We then rain up and down the river around Big Ben and Parliament, which was two miles. We then ran the mile and a half back to the flat. So that's basically a five mile run down to Big Ben and back, no big deal. London was gorgeous while we were running and it took us fifty three minutes. We also had to stop for me a couple of times (haha - not so perfect I suppose) and the traffic lights.

I loved running in the city. I think maybe that is one of it's saving graces. I got to know some of the street names and I got to see some of the most beautiful architecture in the world like it was no big deal. I'm in love with Big Ben. :)

After that I showered and made dinner and had some *gulp* cookies. Haha. I guess I just can't help but feel like I'm allowed to reward myself after I go running. Now I'm chilling with my lady flatmates in the kitchen/t.v. room and I think we're all in for a calm evening. I'm going to do some more reading for my Brit L&C (life and culture) class.

Then I am on the way to pack my bag for Stratford and off to bed because we have to be at Stratford tomorrow at ten thirty and Claire and I are going to walk to familiarize ourselves with the neighborhood. It's a forty-five minute walk - we could take the tube. all know how I feel about the tube. And I'm too lazy right now to go buy my oyster card and it's really stupid to pay for public transportation when walking is free.

I miss you guys. Hope all is well in the States. I'm off to battle my stream-of-consciousness book for now.

Hopefully I'll get to talk to my cutie tonight.

Love you!


  1. It's amazing that you already look like a Londoner. Sounds like you are busy and I am glad you are getting to run again. It will make you feel better. What kind of sandwiches are you eating? What did you eat for dinner. Every thing sounds exciting. I love you and miss you very much. Gramner

  2. I posted a comment and it disappeared. That is twice this has happened. I loved today events. What kind of sandwich did you have and what did you have for dinner? I'm glad you found someone to run with. I know it makes you feel better. I love you and I miss you...Gramner

  3. OK I already did this and it disappeared! What! I can't learn. I will try again. You are right do not run by yourself. But do eat the cookies. Yum. Yum. I can't wait to hear about the play. I miss you baby! I love you, Momma

  4. sounds like you are having a great time, Becca! We are all a little jealous because we didn't have/take the opportunity to do this when we were in school. Oh well.

    I am so glad to read that I am not the only one who has trouble with posting to your blog. I don't feel so technically illiterate now!

    I like your thinking - run, eat cookies. That sounds like Amy when she is here. Eat alot, go work out. Enjoy it now, when you get older, that strategy does not work. Neither does working out! Ha! The eating part though...that never seems to pose a problem.

    Well, tomorrow will be another adventure! Can't wait to hear about it. Take care...

    Aunt Kay

  5. Becca, I'm sooo glad your having fun in London, sounds like your fitting right in. I'm also very jealous because you got to see Big ben without me!!I miss you man. My first football game is tomorrow night at Central, they're playing Texerkana. I'm really excited , I'm going W/ Dixon. Take plenty of pictures for me , and keep me oposted .Love you tons!!

  6. Jean IS crazy. For sure.
    ...she also smokes like a stack.
    and she scared me.
    But I still loved her.

    You and Claire are beginning to sound a lot like my roommate while I was there, Kate. We always walked ahead or behind of everyone, went to Cafe Nero OFTEN, and we chose to walk far more than take the tube.
    Enjoy the city! It sounds like you're really getting to know it!

  7. Hey Becca-
    Hope this works- I've been messing with this forever trying to get a message to you. You have a great opportunity - I'm glad you're taking advantage of it! I have 2 new CD's for you- Jack Johnson (new) out to sea, and Sting with Philharmonic orchestra!
    My advice to you is enjoy, enjoy, and enjoy more!
    and be safe!
    sooooooooooooo glad you're having such a good time.
    aunt susan

  8. Gramner - For dinner tonight I made a cross between breakfast and a panini. It was good. I put some fresh veggies in my eggs and I scrambled them and put them on dry wheat toast with a tadge of hummus. I also had a fresh apple with it. What do you think? You know how much I love eggs. Guess what? I think Claire and I might bake sometime, just for the sheer fun of it.

    Momma - I love you! Sorry I didn't get to talk to you tonight I loved finally getting to hear your voice on Wednesday. I'll do my best to keep these posts coming. It's a pretty good diary - you know I'm your writer.

    Aunt Kay - When I went to the grocery store today (Friday) I stared longingly at all the different beautiful brands of cookies. The chocolate is supposed to be good over here I'm working hard to restrain myself, haha. I love all your posts thank you!

    Jess - I hope you have a great time at the football game. If I were home I'd probably go with you I love football, even highschool football. Even if Dixon doesn't go with you go kick them in the butt girl. You're amazing and don't you ever forget it. :) Love you! Thanks for the post.

    Julia - I am loving the walking thing - except for my poor feet. I feel like when you walk around you notice things that you might miss in a dark tube station. Also I'm pretty sure I found your fruit stand on the way to Marylebone train station the other day. It looked great. I'll have to go check it out when I'm not trying to catch a train! :) (And yes, at Stratford I noticed that Jean is rather...erm...fond of smoking.

    Aunt Susan - I love Jack Johnson and who could go wrong with Sting and the Philhalrmonic? Sounds awesome. I hope you're liking the blog. I promise I'm being very safe and learning so much about life in general. Watch out and make sure Dad doesn't steal your parking spot. :) Thanks for the comment!

  9. Zona, I've really enjoyed reading your blog entries. You sound like you are settling in quite well. I love that you are trotting around Big Ben like it's no big deal :) But what I love most is that you've found a great coffee place. That is essential! Take care girl.

  10. Becca, we miss you!! I havn't heard from you in a while, how are you doing? I got my postcard today, and loved it. Be expecting more snail mail from me. Me and mom are working on doing my Senior pics and Ad. I'm really excited about that. I think me, Mom , Dad, and Uncle Bubber are all going to the lake to spend the night. Me and mom are going fishing, and Dad, and Uncle Bubber are goin to go golfing. It should be a lot of fun, but it'll be weird, not having you there with us. Please send more pictures and posts, because i love getting them from you. We all miss you terribly.


  11. Hey Jess! I hope you had fun at the lake! I'm really sad ya'll are going without me. I got to see some really pretty fireworks over the river last night though. I hope your pictures turn out beautifully, I know they will. I have more pictures for you - keep leaving me comments please! :)
