Friday, September 17, 2010

Cookie Cake!!!

Hello there!!

This is my post about Thursday - even though I'm writing on Friday. I'll probably post about today later tonight. Who knows.

I don't know if I've mentioned that Thursday is our Friday. So yesterday Kemper and I decided that we would do some serious work on our Newspaper project. We bought another issue of The Guardian after class and made our way to the library. Now - you know I have some serious issues with the Library so let me tell you all the wonderful things that happened there.

I don't know if I've taken a picture of the outside of the library but it's beautiful in a strange way. It kind of makes me feel like I'm going into a German World War II insane asylum or something. But. It's - uh - it's still beautiful.

Anyway, so we go in and go to the fourth floor where you get your cards. Luckily, I have my card printed and everything is fine. Then Kemper and I went looking for a study carroll in which would could loudly discuss the bias of our paper and such. Well there are a bajillion floors and crooks and crannies in that building and we didn't have a floor plan because well - who wants to be nerdy with a floor plan?

Eventually we found a computer and we looked through the catalogue. I checked out some books about the Beatles to read and get a head start on my final. I mean - it is only September - but I am totally psyched about writing a 2500 word essay on the Beatles. So it'll be nice to have something to read besides political British novels and Shakespeare. Anyways - I had to check my books out so that we could go to the North block and check Kemper's books out.

Well. We went up to the desk and this nice lady took my books and my card and everything seemed peachy. But of course, this is me we're talking about so everything was NOT peachy. She looked at me with a smile but also sympathy in her eyes and she said, "There's a hold on your card." I just blinked stupidly at her and said, "Sorry? What?" She replied, "Well you can't check anything out because there's a hold on your card." I looked incredulously at Kemper who by this point was shaking her head.

Anyway - I had to explain that I had just gotten my card printed that day and that there shouldn't be a hold on my card considering I hadn't had the chance to check anything out yet. She looked doubtful but she did finally let me check my books out. I still don't know if I trust the library - they seem out to get me. (Ok, sometimes I get a little melodramatic...:) )

Let's see after that Kemper and I went and found this little fabulous cafe. We were going to sit and discuss the paper and type some stuff up on her computer. Well, it was hidden away behind the Holborn tube station and it was so cute and quaint. We each got a mocha and I got a slice of carrot cake and she got a slice of apple and maple cake. OH MY GOODNESS!! It was absolutely delicious. The cakes were the best I've ever had. It was a great coffee place - the guy who made our drinks even did some weird kind of coffee art. Go figure.

Anywho - we thought that we'd have free wi-fi there - that was the whole point in going but we didn't. Nevertheless, we took out our three copies of the Guardian and read and discussed. It was pretty fun. I think we're pretty much finished with the project all we have to do now is type up what we're going to say. We have to give about a ten minute presentation to the class on Tuesday.

Let's see. Hmmm. Kemper also picked up a copy of the ULU's paper called "London Student." I was reading bits and pieces of that when I decided that we should go to the ULU's little cafe that they have. So we got up and walked over to the cafe. It was nice - sort of like the burrow and they DO have wifi. So we read the paper and talked and chilled there for a while. Then we decided it was time for food. SO...we went to the grocery store and got ingredients to make a cookie cake. And we got icing.

Now - bear in mind that this was our first attempt and so we didn't get enough cookie ingredients so it's really more like a cookie casserole...But it was so much fun to make. I took some pictures of us being silly. :) It reminded me of the awesome cookie cake I got for my birthday last year. They don't really do cookie cakes over here that I can tell haha.

Alrighty then let's see...After that we went out with the huge group to our pub - the College Arms. We were all just chilling and enjoying ourselves. I really like the atmosphere of that pub. Then, I suppose it's almost really kind of a pub crawl we went to a different pub called the Crown. That was awesome because they have an amazing juke-box and we played music and such. I think that last night was the first time I've been to a pub and had such a great time. The group was cool and everyone was just being nice. I'm especially glad that Kemper was with me - we always have something to laugh about.

Anywho - today I'm going to do something different. I'm going to do something independent. No worries I'll update you on what fun things I find as I venture onwards. Miss you guys!!!



  1. I see Mom told you about Jesse. I drove up Rockwood and there she was walking with a thousand lbs. on her back. I never thought about the bus breaking down. I forgot to tell you I recorded Gone With The Wind for you. When you come home we are going to watch it. It is so long it has an intermission. I also have the book if you want to read it. If you want chicken and rice you can boil a chicken leg and add rice to it and bake it for about 20 minutes and it will be something different. I'm not sure if you like rice but you could put noodles in it and have soup. I hope you have fun today. You always find little out of the way cafes and parks. You make everyday an exciting adventure to your readers. You cookie was very original. I miss you ....Gramner

  2. Hey...I may buy you some clogs or maybe clogs made out cheese. We are going to a cheese and clog farm tomorrow. I dont know what to do without someone who finds the same things funny. Itś a bit rough. Anyway...Im done complaining...Iĺl see you Sunday. Iĺl be in around 11 pm. I will survive this. I will. Have fun being independent! Not too much fun though, cus I will be back.

    ps, I love your note. I made me excited and feel loved and all that yuck when I am currently on 1 hour of sleep. Off to bed.

    Cheese and clogs tomorrow!

  3. Cheese and clogs? Ha. You guys picked an interesting bed and breakfast, yeah?

    I hope you're having fun dude. I left my bread in your I'm slowly starving because I can't eat grilled cheese. Ha. I'm just kidding. Come back now. Ok thanks. :)

  4. I think the library does have it in for you. they have obviously seen your record in the states. Not sure about the cookie cake/mush.
    Miss you.
    Love, Diddy
