Thursday, September 23, 2010

Portobello Mushroom Sandwich!!!


I've mentioned before that Thursday is my Friday right? Well...Thursday is also the day that we get our stipend. AND...Since I realized that I'm going to be here for a little while I figured I might as well learn how to cook. So...I made an intense shopping list and today after my politics class I went for it. Went for it, as in, I went and bought some serious stuff.

Kemper and I are going to have a taco night even though she is a vegetarian. I will make the meat and all that, don't worry I found some seasoning, and I am so excited. We used to eat amazing tacos all the time at home. What is it that I HAVE to eat food all the time? Anyways...So...

Tonight I made a wonderful grilled portobello mushroom sandwich. I wish I had taken a picture of it. But, well, I got too excited and I ate it. It was lovely. ALSO - I got GRAMNER'S package today. I shan't go hungry for the rest of the trip because I am well thought of.

Thank you so much Gramner you absolutely made my day. I will be knitting you wonders. I can't even express in words how amazing you made me feel. I miss our Fridays and our adventures. You make me still feel like I'm a part of your day-to-day activities. I liked the fudgies "oreo fudge things" that you sent me. They were amazing. I shared them already, don't worry - you taught me well. I can't wait till I can come home and cook christmas cookies at your house. Miss you more than you know. Thank you for making me feel like a special princess.

Hmmm...Class was nice today...except that there was a bit of tension in class today when we talked about the religious versus politic element in Huxley's 'Brave New World.' After that intense three hour class Kemper and I were going to part and I was going to go running - however - it was really rainy today. I didn't like it, but I guess I've been pampered because it's been sunny and un-London like lately since I've been here.

Anyway - we went to this place called Munchkins for lunch. It was alright, it was really cheap. I don't think I'll be taking Mom and Dad there, it's across from the British Museum. My roommate Laura says it's good, but she just tried tea there and I tried a hamburger there. It wasn't bad, maybe because it was nice to have some protein, but still. I think the service sucked (along with London's standard of service) but anyways. Oh well.

After that we went to the grocery store and I bought my week's groceries. I was so flustered at the check-out center because I got a week's worth of groceries and it was a lot to fit in that tiny little basket they give you. You don't get baskets there. Anyway, I didn't spend too much and I got a nice different variety of things. I'm learning how to cook, you'll see. :) I'm kind of proud of myself on that aspect - especially my delicious portobello mushroom sandwich this evening.

Anyways...Let's see. After the flutsteredness at the store Kemper and I went to the Union to plan our ideas for the weekend and also for Northern Ireland which is next weekend. It's not too expensive to get to the coast from Belfast, so that is on our agenda. I'm really, really excited. I can't wait to see the scenic-ness of the region. If you want an idea google the Gian'ts Causweay - which is something that I have on our to-do list.

Also, we planned to spend a whole day Saturday doing homework. We're going to finish our Art and Architecture project and we're going to work on our huge project for British Life and Culture (for me that's the Beatles project). Also - we're going to get a jumpstart on our Shakespeare commentaries. So...just for Diddy, yes I'm doing homework somewhere in all this craziness, loveliness of the city life.

Interesting fact, I'll let you know if we actually go through with this, but we are going to try to go to a choral production at St. Paul's on Thursday. I'm really excited, because it's free and I really want to get inside of that Cathedral. Sheesh, I'm not even Catholic, I don't know!!

Who knows what else our plans are this weekend. We have planned all sorts of tentative things. I'll be sure to take my camera everywhere. I miss you guys! I hope everything is going well..and I hope you guys aren't cold and damp ...Ugh like it kind of was today.

I also felt a little bad because I picked a pub to go to tonight called "The Angel" which I will take Mom and Dad was so busy tonight that it was uncomfortable. I felt bad because I got a group of us together. I was just excited because they have a lager that I really like and it is pretty cheap...But oh well. You can't please everybody.

Miss you guy!! I'll keep you updated this weekend with pictures! Have a great weekend, I miss you! Cheers! Gramner thank you thank you thank you!



  1. My computer has been off all day and I just read your blog. Do I need to get another skein of yard and sent it by your Mom. I thought it just took one to make a scarf. My TV and computer have been off every day and I have had to stay home to meet the repairmen. I am about ready to go back to Dish My computer won't stay on long enough to send your message. I'm glad you are cooking. It really isn't hard and you already know a lot. I'm looking forward to the pictures. Love you ....Gramner

  2. Well, Well, Well sounds like someone's having to cook fo themselves!! If you need any ideas for meals let me know,I'll do my best for suggestions. I finally got your postcard and loved it.Dad made kabobs tonight,(they were really good)Uncle buuber is here, and he says "Hi"
    Love Jess
    .PS. Simba misses you too!:)(Meow)!

  3. Gramner - I don't know if I made this clear enough in my post. BUT. You are amazing for sending me such a wonderful package. You know I'm your grandaughter when I'm out looking for yarn shops and here you are sending me yarn! :) This skein is enough I think because you gave me a good size. I loved loved loved loved my package. In fact I just had some milk and oreos. I can't wait to come home and have milk and oreos at your house all the time. Tell the repair man to get it together and fix your computer!

    Jess - I miss you! I do need some cooking suggestions - I'm out on a limb here! Glad you liked your postcard! But, I am sad you get to eat fun kabob things without me. :( Miss you!

  4. Becca, I have an idea for your cooking dilema. It's a very simple and easy recipe,and i'm happy to share it with you:
    Hoagies (here's what you need):
    Hoagie bread or some type of really fat,Italian-looking-bread
    1)Finely chopped red bell pepper
    1)Finely chopped green bell pepper
    1)Finely chopped Yellow bell peper
    Green Onions
    Lunch meat of your choice
    Mustard spicy (optional)
    Chop up bell peppers, onions and olives,Lay bread open face so that now you have 2 pieces of bread
    (one for meat and chesse, one for condiments and vegetables) Spread Mayonaise on one Piece of bread and Mustard on the opposite. Lay down condiments of your choice on one piece of bread. Repeat this step only this time Lay down bell peppers, onions, and whatever else you want on your sandwhich.
    Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until bread looks brown and crispy!
    Let me know if you need any other sugestions.
    Love, Jess

  5. That was Jesse's comment but she sent it from my computer....Gramner
