Sunday, September 19, 2010

Loop the Yarn Shop

I am Becca and I like to knit. This is a fact.

Well I decided early on that this cold weather calls for a knitting creation! I got up this morning at ten and decided to find a yarn shop in which I could purchase some needles and some yarn!

So I found this place called "Loop" that is open Sundays and was within walking distance of the flat. I asked if anyone wanted to accompany me and Claire said she was game. So...

I memorized the directions and we were off to find the yarn shop. Well...we got lost. Or rather, I got us lost. The problem was that the store had recently moved, and thus we went to the old address. However, we did stumble upon the new address of the store by sheer accident. We found a neat backshop of antique stores and strange nick nack shops. We quite literally ran into Loop!

I was taken aback by the beautiful yarns (just like at the yarn mart in Little Rock, however, I really couldn't afford most of them.) I did find some that I could afford so I got two skeins of a silk/cashmere combination. I'm going to knit myself a scarf - which probably means that someone else will end up with it as a gift. :) I can't help myself.

Anyway - after that Claire and I hopped in the tube to make it back home because it had been a long walk. I must have not felt like I'd gotten enough exercise though, because then I decided to go on a run. It was amazing. Yes, I ran all by myself and loved it. It's so neat to actually run in the city by Big Ben and Trafalgar Square like I live here. I guess in a way, I do.

Some tourists (who had a British accent) asked me where Buckingham Palace was whilst I was running. I kindly pointed them in the right direction (finally) because I'd found it the other day by sheer accident!

I think I may have a spider bite on my leg...which could possibly be a bad thing. I'm looking into it so no worries - however, suggestions would be nice. I guess I'll do what they taught me to do at camp and draw a circle around it to see if it gets bigger. Hmmm...

What else? Oh yes I got lost on my running expedition so I ended up running five miles instead of my intended four. I did really well today. I think I have just been craving to run. My endorphins are definitely flowing right now AND I'm doing laundry which is a complete plus!!!

I didn't really do much today - it was a mixture of complete laziness and productivity. I am almost finished with Huxley's book...I spent some time reading today whilst I was cuddled up in my blanket in the flat. Sometimes it's nice to pretend like it's home. I made myself some tea. :)

I miss TV actually. Well Spongebob really, haha. I've been trying to get into this BBC thing and for the most part - I kinda can't. I do like the humour though, it's pretty funny and different.

Let's see...I got lost whilst I was running and ended up in Waterloo Place. I'm not sure what that is even, but I plan on going back because there seemed to be a lot of monuments and statues and important looking buildings. I probably ran by something important and was just like, "Hmmm, that's nice." Who knows.

Not much else to update. I did buy some cookies today (and I've already had four!) I miss you guys a lot. I am in a great mood though, because I feel like my study abroad experience is finally just clicking. I think I am somewhat adjusted now. I love being able to be 'lost' in the city because I'm really not lost. I can locate the flat from any monument or landmark so I'm good! I feel like I've accomplished something. In a way - a city is like a big campus - you just have to know where all the important buildings are! Sort of. Haha.

Ok well I guess I'm going to go find a cool knitting pattern and sit about and knit for a while. Boy. I sure am a bit of an old lady. I'm going to Hastings tomorrow for real so I'll have fun pictures and stories to entertain you with.



  1. Becca, Becca I should have known you would buy yarn and needles. The yarn there is supposed to be really wonderful from all the sheep they have. I think Scotland is known for their woolens also. I am glad that you have settled. I thought from reading your blog yesterday that you had. Jesse and I got Halloween decorations today. We put up the stickers and the wreath on the door and the banner outside. We have to wait for Granddad to get the rest for us. I'll miss you and Jess and Johnnie making pumpkins this year. That was fun. I guess when you can give tourists direction you must be considered a Londoner. Miss you and love you....Gramner

  2. Becca,sorry it's taken me so long to comment on your blog!Between School and homework , I'm really staying busy these days. Me and momma put up all the halloween decorations on Friday. It was so much fun, but you wern't here to help us...oh well. Well I'm having my School picture taken on the 30th (I'm really excited about that).
    Miss you, Jess

  3. Does it take two skeins of yarn to make a scarf? I guess you probably have it finished by now. Did Johnnie like his birthday present? I thought of something else you can cook but you have to stay still long enough for it to cook. Put some oil in a baking pan and put chicken legs rolled on flour or not with seasonings and bake until done about 45 minutes. You can make boxed dressing with it or bake a potato in the microwave and serve with salad or veggies. I guess this is your busy day. I love you...Gramner

  4. You cetainly are the old soul, knitting indeed! Hope the trip to Hastings is fun. Talk to you soon.


  5. Hi Sweetie,
    I am enjoying reading your posts. I've been preoccupied with school stuff for the last several days. I am driving to Harding University tomorrow and I'm spending the night with Grandmother Margie and PawPaw. I think I will get to see your mom and sister too!

    It sounds like you are having some cool weather. Are you interested in a soup recipe that you can make from cans of vegetables? It is easy, quick, and delicious. We are having a very warm early fall. It has been in the high 90's for the last 2 weeks. I'm ready for some cooler temps.

    Michelle has settled into school quite well. She is very busy with her classes...and she is working for the sports information director. She seems to enjoy it very much.

    Take care,
    Aunt Pam

  6. Jess - I am excited about your school pictures! I'll bet you'll be so gorgeous in them like always. I wish I was there to help you pick out your clothes, but I'll know you'll do just fine without me. I miss you!

    Gramner - You know I was thinking the other day that I should just buy some potatoes and eat them! I miss baked potatoes. I miss you too! Actually, I haven't even really started my scarf because I'm trying to find the perfect pattern. The two skeins should be enough because I'm alternating the colors. Stripes I suppose. :) I miss you!

    Diddy - I'm glad you like the pictures. I'll do my best to keep taking them. You know what? I think you have it figured out when you get up in the morning before work and you watch the hummingbirds and the deer with your cup of coffee. This city lacks our lovely Arkansas nature...MIss you.

    Aunt Pamela - I'm missing the warm weather strangely enough because it can be really cold and chilly here. However, isn't about time you guys got to enjoy some crisp weather? 90! Sheesh. I miss you and I hope you have fun visiting Harding. I'm glad Michelle is liking her classes and enjoys her job. Strangely enough, I'm missing fishing! I wish I could just hop over and go out with you and Grandad and Uncle Dan and Jess! :)

  7. Uncle Dan went fishing today...he called it "fake fishing" because he was really just enjoying being out on the lake. Catching a fish would have caused him to actually do a little work. Our sort of crisp weather is coming in this weekend...if you call 80"s crisp.

    Harding was fun. We ate in the school cafe...bad food, but lots of scenery. I took my writing notebook with me and had tons of fun.
