Sunday, September 26, 2010

From Brick Lane to St. Paul's Organ Recital

I really like music and a bargain. That's why it makes sense, in my mind, to combine a Brick Lane excursion day with a St. Paul's Organ Recital. I shall do my best to begin from the beginning.

Today I woke up around nine something and made a quick breakfast. I then went to Kemper's flat and we began our three mile journey to Brick Lane. Brick Lane, if you don't know, is supposed to be a famous street-market in London known for it's different, artistic items.

Brick Lane = major letdown. I can only say that I felt that I was definitely in the middle of a very sketchtastic area made up of eclectic garage sales. It was definitely uncomfortable after a while - although we did manage to find a couple of really neat covered parts of the market that had some neat vendors.

The best part of Brick Lane was the Beigel shop. I got the best lunch there. I ordered a fresh, hot, doughy, bagel with smoked salmon and cream cheese. OH MAN. It was amazing, so I got a half dozen beigels to take home with me for later in the week. I am thinking that my breakfasts will be completely complete this week. I am pretty excited - so I guess that means that our three mile lap was not a total loss. :) Leave it to me to find the food place. (well it was hard to miss - there was a line stringing outside the door)

Anywho - we returned to the flat and took a quick break before we got ready to get to the tube. Let me backtrack - today the weather in London was MISERABLE. I know all I do on this blog besides talk in circles is complain about the weather. But, today, London's Mother Nature gave me something particular and reasonable to complain about. There was rain all day long. Kemper noted in the beginning (the beginning being back in the beginning of September) that the rain here has a weird consistency a bit like snow.

Well. She's right. When it rains here is spits at you weirdly as if it's puffy, like snow, but then it lands on your nose and freezes the remaining warmth on your face off. It's a bit depressing really. No wonder all the English poets and writers are all depressed. They don't have much sunshine over here although apparently I have been fortunate enough to be enjoying an Indian Summer - according to Jean.

So anyway - we got to the tube and we sped over to St. Paul's stop to be at the Cathedral on time for the four forty-five organ recital. I was so excited. The recitals and Sunday masses (actually anything worship related I believe) is free. So, we went and listened to this amazing organist play the organ in St. Paul's. We were sitting directly under the huge rotunda that can be seen from many places in London's skyline. It was amazing.

I was a little concerned at the beginning because I thought the organist was accidentally messing up the music - but the Cathedral is just so big when he plays too loudly it just sounds a little like feedback because there is so much room for the sound waves to resonate against each other. At least, that's my theory but I'm no physicist.

Anywho - It was great, great, amazing, and lovely. I don't think the words I am using to describe the performance are doing it justice. Maybe actually - I spend more time trying to describe my own emotions and reactions. That's a bit difficult as well. Oh well - just know it was amazing and the Cathedral is more beautiful than you can imagine. Even more beautiful than you can imagine and makes you feel like you're a part of something greater than anything else. I don't know if it's so much as a religious reaction or if I'm just full of awe at the building itself. Who knows.

After that we walked back in the rain. I'm glad I brought a raincoat that's a bit longer than a normal jacket. I was pretty much protected against the weird rain snow. I made it back safely and made a great dinner which consisted of a portobello mushroom sandwich and carrots to eat. Doesn't that sound healthy? Don't worry I've finished a whole pack of oreos today - so it's nice to pretend like I've been healthy. I would have gone running - but there's the rain and I think we walked a sufficient amount today. Haha - can you tell I am regretting haven eaten THAT many cookies?

Oh well. Comfort food.

Then I talked to everybody - Mom, Dad, Jess, Gramner and Johnny.

Just one complaint - HEY FAMILIAL UNIT - please get your computer fixed. I miss you guys a lot. :) I'm glad that we got to talk for a little bit though.

I have a day of homework planned tomorrow and I might go to an interesting sounding free lecture about the troubles in Northern Ireland. I happen to be going to Northern Ireland this coming weekend with Kemper.

Well I miss you guys. I took a couple of pictures at Brick Lane (they don't allow photography in St. Paul's - not sure I'd take a picture anyway - I was too busy experiencing it.)



  1. It was great to talk to you yesterday. Writing is go but to hear your voice is very comforting.I am researching what we need to start doing stain glass. I have always wanted to try that. How hard could it be? We haven't found anything we couldn't do yet. Sounds like you are doing great with your finances and your cooking. Granddad has a 62 year reunion on Friday in Dardenelle. We are going for the visit but not the football game. There is only about 12 people left that are able to make the trip. It was in the 50's this morning. Thats more like it. Have a good day. I love you...Gramner

  2. Hey Becca! I'm commenting on Grandmothie's coputer, because I have no idea, if our home computer is working or Not! Anway, me and Grandmother finished putting up the rest of the Halloween stuff this weekend. Also we went to Uncle Bubber's last night and had an end of the sumer party, but we missed you :( I'm taking my Senior pics this Thursday, mom's helping with my makeup. I wish you were here to help out, but i know your having fun in London.

