Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"This is the short and the long of it". Merry Wives of Windsor ( Quote Act II, Scene II).

And so I have discovered that all Wednesdays are going to be incredibly long. I start the morning with British Art and Architecture (3 hours walking around) have a break, then have a three hour Shakespeare lecture. Then, on most Wednesdays, we have a play at seven thirty at the Globe. WHEW. Can you keep up?

Let's start at the beginning, shall we? This morning I woke up completely late. I don't know what happened but Claire, Laura, and I, (all sharing one room) woke up late all at the exact time. I had time to eat my muffin, but I didn't get to primp and be a girl for as long as I usually like. In fact I just threw a button down on and ran for it.

We were supposed to meet Barnaby (our BA&A prof) at the British Museum. Well. I am completely (at this moment) disenchanted with that class right now. I was sad because we spent at least an hour listening to Barnaby bumble about the structure of the museum. Some of it was interesting, but it was so boring. It was as if he was more bored than we were. How are we supposed to be excited if he's not even passionate about what he's teaching us. (Well you wind some, you lose some.)

Don't get me wrong, he's a nice person. But anyway - we also went to the National Gallery. We are trying to ponder the apparently deep question of "the origin of British style and art." I personally think it's a bit of baloney if you ask me. But, I'll humour the art gods and see what I can do for them. After we looked at some Renaissance paintings (which was kinda cool even though my feet were hating me at that point) we were let out of class. Well, we were about a twenty minute walk away from the flat.

We walked back trying to weave through the strangely closed down roads (we kept encountering those everywhere!). We finally got back around 1:10 - but then we had to be at our Shakespeare class at two. It takes approximately fifteen minutes to get to our classroom. So - imagine six girls politely trying to all make lunch at the exact same time? I figure I need to maybe make some things and put them in the fridge...But have I mentioned that we all share the fridge too? A week's worth of groceries for six girls in a sort of combo half/fridge that's not completely a whole fridge? It's a mess.

It's ok though, because we did manage to get to Cafe Nero before class. I got a venti white chocolate mocha and I will say that I've never had any coffee better than that. EVER. It cheered me up. I love Jean. She's the best professor ever. She is so excited about Shakespeare I feel energized just sitting next to her. (However, I am a little nervous that we have to have Henry IV part 1 read by next Wednesday.) I know you guys are rejoicing though, YAY! Becca finally has some homework! ;)

As nerdy as it sounds, after class I made Kemper take me to the new grocery store that she and Hillary found. I wanted to look at their selection of food. They have such a selection AND grocery carts. You have no idea how much I missed those fandangled things. The other markets have those baskets and they are so cramped. This market has everything and is much more spacious. I really think it's true that Americans are much more needing in their spacial issues.

Anyway after we left it was pouring outside in true London fashion. I am so glad that I bought my umbrella yesterday. I managed to stay dry for the whole walk home - (we checked in Skoob for a copy of Hamlet - but they still didn't have it). Then I made an egg sandwich and ate that with some fresh grapes. Then we got ready (a full hour and fifteen minutes early) to go to the globe.

We were due tonight to see The Merry Wives of Windsor by Billiam. I will say that the play was absolutely fantastic. The actors and actresses were awesome and the Globe (which is actually a replica of the original theatre seeing as it burnt down from it's thatched roof). The only slightly annoying thing was that we were the groundlings. So, if you look at a floor plan of the theatre - we are the ones that stand in front of the stage like at a rock show. It was great to see the action and I felt a special sense of being a part of the onstage action...HOWEVER...we stood there the whole time. So that's two and a half hours of standing. WOO-HOO!

After that we battled the tube and came back. Kemper and I bought a Guardian newspaper, but, I'm too tired to start reading it tonight so I'll let you know what I think of it when I have some time to read it. It's about twelve thirty here and I haven't showered yet (and trust me) I need to.

I miss you guys a bunch. Today was busy but in a weird way - I felt like a shuffled cow all day long. I have a free day all day long Friday. Does anyone have any suggestions in what I should do? I am completely open-minded. We are definitely going to Brighton on Saturday to visit our prof Susie. I think maybe tomorrow night Kemper and I might try to find a 'Juanita's' in London to listen to some live music. Nothing too big.

Leave me posts please! (Sorry no pictures today I was SOOOOOOO busy!)


  1. I have another recipe for you. Put a little oil in pan and add strips of onion and green or red peppers. Add large precooked sausages cut in 3" pieces. Add a little water and steam and cover.
    You will need to stir as it cooks. It will smell delicious.
    Praise the Lord it rained here today. It is wonderful. I have been out in it so much I feel like I have been playing in the rain. It was fun. Sounds like you had a busy day. You need some yarn to give you something to do. Send more pictures. Love you...Gramner

  2. Thanks for the recipe Gramner!

    Ceri-lyn you have a beautiful voice! Thanks for such a great show. :)

  3. Wow. What a day! Sounds like the plays will be entertaining and enlightening. What is it with us that we need a BIG grocery cart? Well......
    I know everyone is reading and enjoying your blog. We need them to comment to keep your fun stories coming. I hope the music was good tonight. Let us know about the Guardian. Diddy says he loves you and misses you. Simba does too.
    I love you, Momma

  4. What happened to the blogger. I'm missing her.
