Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Two stars keep not their motion in one sphere"

So. I've decided that Wednesdays are possibly going to be the death of me. Well, not literally, but they are quite busy. Before I go into the details of my day - just look at the overview. I have a three hour art and architecture class in the AM and then a lunch break. Then I have a three hour shakespeare class in the PM. Then, I get about an hour and a half before I have to go see a play where I stand for three or more hours. SHEESH. (One consolation - I don't have a play EVERY Wednesday, but still. I am so tired right now.)

Let's see. Even though today was endlessly busy I had a good day. This morning marks the first morning that I have taken a tube during morning rush hour. Luckily the line we got on wasn't so crowded but the Piccadilly line was impossible. I did find myself sitting next to a nursing mother with her loud baby. We were supposed to meet our professor Barnaby at Victoria station at Westminster. I remembered my camera today - YES - so I'll upload some great pictures.

I thoroughly enjoyed our Art and Architecture class today. We went on a walking tour of sorts focusing on buildings based in the Neoclassical tradition as well as the buildings based in Gothic styles. Big Ben and Parliament (as well as all of Westminster Abbey) are all Gothic. Strangely enough Barnaby mentioned Ruskin who I had to read for Victorian Literature. He was one of the few essayists I liked because he talked about the originality and art form of Gothic architecture. Being able to see something I truly admire as we walk about is an amazing feeling.

We started at Westminster Abbey, went to the Banquet building which has a lovely history and even a beheading involved in its story. We then went on to Covent Square and looked at a Tuscan style Church. The plan was to make it all the way to St. Paul's Cathedral and compare the different Church styles but we never got there. I took a ton of pictures - so instead of boring you here with each building I'll write a caption for the ones I upload on here.

We did get a twenty minute break by Covent Gardens. Everyone went into Cafe Nero (like a Starbucks - huge coffee chain) but Kemper and I explored the side streets. We were brave and went into a small place cafe place. We each got really cheap pretty good coffee and the people were extremely nice. THAT right there is a plus because people over here don't generally seem to be nice in this huge city. We also decided that whilst everyone else is doing a huge pub crawl - we're going to do a cafe crawl. We are totally on the lookout for London's best cup of coffee. (We may still frequent the pubs though, every now and then.)

We ended our tour at the Royal Courts of Justice which is on Chancery Lane and is a beautiful set of Gothic buildings. I wanted to go inside of it and stare out the windows. Kemper and I didn't know where to go to find a tube station so we walked a ways before we braved a bus. We really don't know how that system works yet. Yes, there's a sign that tells you where the bus goes...but it's hard to figure out which way the bus is going and whether your destination is on the end of it's line and if you have to switch buses and such...

SO. Needless to say we kind of messed up a bit. I mean, we really shouldn't have been on the bus in the first place because we literally got on and then got right back off. We probably could have walked to the station we alighted at simply because traffic was so bad. (Lunch rush hour.) Oh well, we'll figure it out, by George, even if it does take us a couple of bodged tries.

Anywho I made an egg sandwich for lunch with my special bread. :) It was a good time. After lunch I trekked over to the classroom for Shakespeare. Our lecture was intense today and she talked a little bit about our papers or commentaries. I'm not too nervous because commentaries are my thing, but it could be a bit trying. I'm doing my best to do really well in that class.

We then got out of Shakespeare and I came back to the flat. I was starving so I ate some coconut flavored yogurt - which sounds weird but it's really, really, good. And then, Erin and Laura and I went to a clothing shop called New Look. Hillary, one of my other flatmates, told us she had gotten a good deal on some jeans and they were having a special discount for students sale. I decided I wanted to go just to have a look. I'm on the lookout for a new messenger bag because unfortunately I think my black and white one has seen better days. :(

The store turned out to be the quality of a forever twenty-one but a bit more hyped and posh like. It was reasonably priced but there wasn't anything in there that I couldn't live without. So, after that I made tortellini for dinner. I got really frustrated with my dinner attempts this evening because I got my bread stuck in the toaster (sounds ridiculous right - this would happen to me) and I was trying to get my toast out and then my water boiled over from my tortellini so...I ended up burning water on the stove. It caused a lot of commotion and window openings. Sheesh. I felt really stupid.

After that I went over to Kemper's flat to chill before we had to make our famous trek to the Globe to see Henry IV part 1. I sneaked my camera in - so I have some pictures of how amazing the globe theatre actually is. Anywho, I was very impressed with the performance once again. However, this time I was not expecting to be impressed because I had read the play before hand and my impression was vast confusion at keeping the characters straight. I was so concerned with who was fighting who and who was on what side. However, on stage it is much easier to keep up with characters, even when old Billiam gives them different names.

The two princes were amazing - they were foils. I liked Harry Percy best, possibly because he was the character with all the intense verse lines. Also - I noticed tonight - the Globe is magical. You're out in this open aired theatre with a couple of stars above you (London is a bit light polluted...) I loved it. I don't love the standing forever bit though. I am excited to see more productions in there.

Also. Speaking of theatre - I asked Jean today specifically how to get cheap theatre tickets for the National Theatre. She told me that all I had to do was que up the morning of a show at around eight thirty and then I'd end up with a 10 quid front row ticket. Now all that's left to do on my list is to see what I want to go see. I think I might even see if Mandi will go with me to a show this weekend. That's a very affordable price.

I forgot to mention our tube ride to the Globe. It was eventful. I suppose this is the day of tube happenings. I have never been in the tube at rush hour in the evening either before today. We went to Holborn station and there were literally people falling out of the sides of the opening gate. Somehow, Kemper and I managed to squeeze into the line. Kemper was in front of me, and it's a good thing she had a green sweater on. I was really nervous. I felt like I was going to be squeezed into nothingness because there was no breathing room.

However, I finally got close enough to the gate to actually see people swiping their cards. Kemper got a couple of people ahead of me and I was even more nervous I'd get lost. Then I was literally right in the middle of a squabble. There was an older gentleman behind me and a middle-aged man in front of me and I was unfortunately sandwiched in between them. The middle-aged man sort of cut in front of me and the older man bumped me as he tapped the middle-aged man on the shoulder. He said, "Oy Mate!" and I immediately said, "sorry" because I thought I'd accidentally bumped into him.

However. He was obviously not speaking to me. He said again, "Oy MATE!" loudly enough so that the middle-aged man had to turn around. (Mind you, they're having this conversation across my head.) The upset older man says - "We're queing from the back of the line - you can't just cut in the side like that." The other guy replied whilst waving a pink ticket, "I had to buy my ticket..."

Oh yeah, one more thing. We walked by St. Paul's on our way to the Globe. I took some pictures. Thanks Kemper for being really patient with my constant picture taking. Also - I have not charged my camera once. I'm proud of this little thing. (Of course, now I just jinxed it - because I said something about the battery. Haha.)

Well...both of their faces were turning various shades of red and purple. Apparently, according to an account by Kemper later (who was nicely waiting for me on the other side) I looked very concerned. I took that opportunity of intense tension to swipe my card and get out of Dodge.

Anyway. It was a day. I'm so tired right now. I hope that I can talk to you soon Mom. I keep missing you! And someone better figure out a way to get Johnny Gately to comment on this blog thing. I KNOW HE READS IT. A little help familial unit?

Miss you guys.



  1. I'm not telling what I'm mailed today. I had a lot of fun deciding what to send and shopping for it. It sounds like you had a great day. The buildings are beautiful and you get to see the real thing instead of just pictures. Lucky girl. I never liked history much but I have read about the different towns in books and would be interested in actually seeing them if I liked to fly. I wish I could cook for you so you could eat something besides sandwiches. I love you.....Gramner

  2. Ok Johnny the gig is up! Time to hear from you. Becca the tube sounds trying. I hope I can manage. We had a bit of a scare today with Jess. The bus broke down and I didn't know. She didn't call as expected so I drove all over looking for her. She is fine but she couldn't call because you know the rules about the cell phones at school. Well too bad from here on out she is carrying her phone to call Momma. We will just have to get in trouble because my heart can't take that again. Sounds like you had a good day. I hope you are too cold. Keep smiling baby! Love, Momma

  3. Awesome pics!!! How cool is it to actually see all that history/architecture? Love the pictures from the Globe. Sounds like a full but exciting day. Watch out for middle-aged men in the que. Hope to talk to you soon. Really miss you!


  4. Never, I mean never, let me ever think waking up at this horrible time in the morning is a good idea...slap me if I have this idea again. I will be back in 48 hours, promise! I shall find you when I return...I'm excited to read your note.I took a shower when I got home, it reminded me of your little ritual. I promise to not go on trips without you from now on. Terrible ideas!

    Call if you need anything! I'll see you in a day or so!

  5. Gramner - you rock sending me stuff in the mail and all.

    Momma - Jess will just have to be a rebel and break the rules. I can only imagine how upset you must have been. Glad she's alright silly goose.

    Diddy - I like taking pictures. I think my camera was the best investment I made for the trip. I miss you guys!

    Kemper - Haha showers. YES!
