Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What is London but...RAIN?

Ok. You caught me. I'm sitting here on my little piece of hallway with a scone. And raspberry jam. What can I say - the English are starting to rub off on me, I guess.

Alrighty - well - Wednesdays oh Wednesdays. They are spossed to be the 'hump' days or what not. For me it's just the 'helter-skelter' day. And maybe I shouldn't complain because my schedule is pretty open, and in a sense I'm not complaining. I just had a very rushed lunch today and I like to enjoy my food. :)

Anywho. Let me fill you in on the day. I had to give my presentation on Mr. John Martin the British Artist today. I was nervous, to say the least, because Art History is not something I'm an expert in. Well...also this morning I decided to mix it up a bit and take the bus instead of the tube. Guess what? I think I've solved my traveling problems around the city - almost.

We (Mandi, Kemper, and I) left at about 8:30 for our 9:30 class because we had to meet at the Tate Britain Museum. Well, it was raining right then and there this morning - so luckily I had my very versatile trench/raincoat thing. We did a good job gramner - but I don't know if the coat will survive all the wear and tear - I wear it all the time.

So we got to the stop and we had to walk a minute to get to the Pimlico station which was actually our meeting place - no big deal. Barnaby was there with the rest of the class and we stopped at a tea shop and some people got some coffee, because we had to wait for the museum to open at ten. (Lots of waiting - huh?) We then finally went in and started up with the presentations. They were all ten minutes long and there are fourteen of us - so it was a bit of a trying class. It's hard to listen to lectures for about three straight hours - especially if you're like me and all you want to do is sleep.

Haha. Lately I've been having trouble falling asleep - but once I do - I'm out. Anywho - here is a link to the painting that I did. I want you guys to see it. I think it's beautiful. It's all about the sublime or industrialization or whatever. Who knows but the artist? I just had a reaction to it, perhaps an inspiration and so here you go for yourself: (You make the call)

After that we had to get back to the flat and then make lunch and then make it to Shakespeare before two. We got out of class about at 12:40. Well...that doesn't give you much time to get back and make lunch. I suppose you could grab lunch out - but it's expensive and plus - I had some money left from my stipend that I was saving to buy Hamlet this evening from the Globe. Ugh. So I ran to the flat basically and made a beigel cheese thing. I didn't have time for anything else - but I took a snack to Shakespeare.

Shakespeare is shakespeare. You simply do Shakespeare, I suppose. Anywho I asked Jean about my three page rough draft paper that's due next week and I think I'm good. I need to proofread of course, but I think it'll all be good. I'm hoping for an A in that class. Jean luckily let us out early and Kemper and I went to the library to print things. As in print out our boarding passes for this weekend. I'm going to Northern Ireland. I'm excited and nervous and forgetful - I need to remember to recharge my camera! :)

I'll be sure to take pictures. Anyways - after our library expedition I made a portobello mushroom sandwich and then Kemper and I got ready to go the Globe to see Henry IV part II. I will say - the performance was great - but...HOW in the world is standing for three hours in the rain a pleasant experience? Especially when you can see your breath in the wind. Sheesh. My rain jacket did it's job - but I didn't. I forgot my gloves and to layer and to wear fuzzy socks. What good am I? I'll know next time I suppose. It's supposed to rain at Stonehenge.

Did I mention that we're going to Stonehenge this Friday as a group day trip? I'm pretty excited about that one as well. AND tomorrow night is my wine tasting adventure. I'm pretty excited. Haha. Merlin's pants! All I can say is that I'm excited! :) I think we're going to try to go to this interesting sounding restaurant with an eclectic menu called Stockpot. I'll let you know how that one goes as well.

Alright. Well - Shakespeare's ending this evening made me a little sad. I just finished my scone and just now managed to warm my feet I'm going to go make some real hot chocolate with milk and write a letter to a special someone. I miss you guys. Can't wait till Mom and Dad get here - 8 DAYS!!!



  1. Hey Z - Do you watch the "Amazing Race"? Well, a new season just started and they went to Stonehenge. It looks amazing! Takes lots of pics. Enjoy your wine tasting and N. Ireland. Merlin's underwear! (Pants mean underwear in Ireland, London too?)

  2. I heard you got a phone today. Thats good. I'm sure you are excited about Ireland. About all I know about Ireland is the potato famine and the green grass. I've seen some of the landscape from movies. I'm sure you will have fun. Send lots of pictures. We are taking Jess to the zoo while her mama is gone. She's excited about it because when she worked out there she really didn't see much of the animals. We try to keep her amused so she won't feel too left out. Have fun . we miss you and love you...Gramner

  3. Well,well well, sounds like Mrs. Becca is really getting in to this whole "London thing." I'm so jealous because I've never had a real scone, darling so I'm sure it's better thany any American food. Anway, I almost missed the bus this morning but i caught it at the last possible second,so i understand your traveling dilema. I also took my senior pics today. They took a bunch so surely i look good in at least one of them. :)
