Saturday, October 9, 2010

And Let Fall Break Begin!

So apparently I've been really bad about posting for the last couple of days. I'd like to start this post by saying that at the Hotel Russell I had no internet service. On Thursday night I attempted to write a post - and then I got sleepy - so now I will update you from about where I left off.

On Wednesday night Kemper and I made reservations for dinner with my parents on Thursday night. We booked this place called "Number Twelve." Well - the name should say it all. It was completely crazy with the 'service' that they have here. First of all, online it did not say anything about being dressed up. Well...

We get there and there are plenty of people (both male and female) standing around in awkward circles in their long black floor
length sequin dresses with suits and bow ties...

So...My parents had just gotten off the plane and I figured that I should go ask the bartender if we should just sit down or what...and we did...and then later this crazy formal matrie dee dude was all, "Excuse me sir, do you have a reservation?" to my dad. I was like, "Yes, in the name of Rebecca Bona."

It was uncomfortable, and I kind of wanted to punch the restaurant in the face, that is, if the restaurant did have a face. But the food was pretty excellent - I had pan-seared sea bass. Yes. Sea bass. Twas quite nice if I do say so myself.

Anywho - moving forward - after that Mom and Dad were finally able to go to bed. I decided that nine was late enough for them to go to sleep. Then Kemper and I went to Candid Cafe and got some dessert. I had the carrot cake, it was also quite lovely - and Kemper had the cheese cake which I think was also QUITE lovely.

AND THEN - Friday.

Oh Friday. I walked my parents at least ten or twelve miles around London. I took them to all the city sites that you HAVE to see - Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Parliament, Victoria Tower, River Thames Path, The Globe, St. Paul's and all that jazz. We stopped and watched some street performers over in the South Bank. This guy, who was a bit old to be doing so - breakdanced and such. I mean, he had a helmet and stuff - which I feel like made him legit - but he spinned around on his head to the "Where is the Love" song by the Black Eyed Peas.

Mom, Dad, and I definitely laughed. I mean, that guy had some good jokes. Before that - let me backtrack - we got some good food at Covent Garden. Dad experienced the complete English breakfast which includes beans. Really. And now for two days straight he's eaten beans. Sheesh. We have to live with him...gah....

Anywho - I took my parents to Benito's Hat for dinner. It's the one semi-Mexican restaurant that I know of and it's on the edge of Soho. As far as I could tell - they both seemed to really enjoy it. I know I did. They really do serve you Burritos the size of your face.

After that we went and chilled in the lounge of the hotel until it was time to bed. I'm also going to admit that we watched Law and Order SVU on British TV before we went to bed. Crazy that the BBC is showing that business...

TODAY. Today is SATURDAY - which means - that my Birthday is in TWO days. Just saying.

We did all sorts of things today. First of all I had to wake my parents up this morning by opening the curtains because I was scared that we were going to miss check out time...and then I had to run to my flat and pack for the week because for once this whole time in London I was not prepared. (Haha sound familiar?)

Anyway - I got all my stuff - literally - I threw some stuff in my big bag and then I drug it over to the Hotel Russell. AND I'm pretty sure my bag weighed more than fifty pounds...I HAVE no IDEA what I packed. Still - now - even though I have unpacked I don't really know what I've ended up with. Goodness.

Alright so my family and I battled the tube with luggage at Lunch Hour. I will just say that they manage to be way more calm that I could ever be with the tube when it comes to Luggage. They got their oyster cards today and we went in on a journey. We learned that if you get on at the absolute last car - of the train - then there's no one else in there. SO we managed to exist comfortably to until we made it to Kensignton.

AND - I'll just say - we're not in Kansas anymore. I mean, before in my neighbourhood, I complained about how posh the people are. But, these people over here in Kensignton are literally wearing Chanel and all that...But there seems to also be a lot more families over here. I mean, I've seen a lot of children with their parents - so that's a nice change.

Right right, what else - we went to the grocery store today and bought some necessities. We've been doing laundry without our dryer. That's quite nice. I'll post some pictures tomorrow of this flat. This flat is extremely nice looking - I mean, there are cherubs on the ceiling and such. We are also right across from the Natural History Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum. That's pretty nice.

I feel like I should mention that right now I am sitting here eating a "Mississippi Slide" cupcake whilst writing this. Mom said I got that one because I am from Arkansas and I missing the states. I am pretty sure she's right on the money. Haha.

Also - Dad and I are listening to this best of the sixties compilation on the CD player. It's pretty intense. But then I just now turned off the player and we are now listening to the Talking Heads. I win!

Ok. So we went to the grocery store and then we spent time cleaning up and talking to Jess and Gramner on the computer. They were just as surprised as we were by the Cherubs.

After that we went off for dinner. We went to this place called Garfunkels. I am pretty sure it's a chain in London and probably England. It was pretty good. I have to say that I am still stuffed - they had really good chips (french fries.)

I just want some pistachio gelato now. Where's Johnny Gately when you need him?

ALSO some randoms would really hit the spot. ;)

Tomorrow I think we're walking around Soho and such. Who knows? I will definitely post some pictures tomorrow because I took some for Jess specifically and she will know when I post them that they are specifically for her....I hear someone's turning eighteen soon. :) :) Hint hint..JESS!

Anywho - I'm really tired so I'm going to end this really distracted post. I just must say that my parents came halfway around the world to see me and I'm so glad they're here. Even if Dad's form of bonding with me involves distracting me completely from my blog post! Sheesh. Alright. I miss you guys!


1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are great. Looks like everyone is having fun. Granddad and Jess went to HS to go fishing. Pam is taking them on the pontoon. Our TV went off yesterday just before the kickoff. (Sound familiar?) They fixed it this morning so we didn't see the game or anything else. As usual trouble on the line. Did you not go to see the "rocks" yesterday? Paris is going to be really something to see. We are so jealous (except for the plane ride). Has Mom given you your stuff she brought? I found the fingernail polish outside where we left it so I sent it in your box. Jess is doing good. It is too hot to go to the zoo so we may go later. We broke a record for the most day above ninety degrees. Great huh? TV man is here again so I have to go. I love you all....Gramner
