Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Please allow me to introduce myself..."


Ok so I'm twenty now. First of all that's weird - I feel OLD. And somehow, I feel silly for thinking twenty is old. It's funny how when you get older you definition of old changes - almost every time you are not somehow incorporated into the new definition. Hmmm.

But now let me tell you all about my birthday. It was great.

Mom and Dad let me wander around Camden market for hours. I've never been on the weekend and it was kind of dead, but I never realized how far back the market goes. The market is in some old horse stalls - obviously they've been refurbished. There were big horses everywhere - the fake kind of course.

I got a new pair of shoes, a new leather bag (to replace my falling apart one) two dresses and some vinyl stickers. I am extremely excited about all this stuff - because it's not like things we have in Little Rock. SO I'll be somewhat different when I get home with my shoes and dresses. :)

Then, we went to an official Patiessere and got my birthday cake. They legitimately spoke French in there - so I will say - the cake is delectable. I got the one with a dark chocolate moose filling and silver flakes on top. I mean, hey, why not?

Of course, I've been the only one to have a piece because Mom and Dad were all full from dinner by the time we got to the cake. Dinner - we went to Sticky Fingers. Let me explain, shall I? Bill Wyman from the stones (The Rolling Stones, that is) owns this restaurant. AND so the whole inside was a tribute to the stones. It was like they had their own wall of fame on every wall. Well, I got a T-shirt and I got an amazing piece of steak for dinner, diddy got barbecue ribs (in London - and they were decent) and Momma got a really good burger. Obviously I sampled everything because my steak was so good.

MAN. I took some pictures. They were playing the stones whilst we were in there of course, and I kept hearing Sympathy for the Devil - hence the title of my blog. :)

I got to talk to Gramner and Jess for a little bit yesterday - I was so tired. SO SO tired. Mom said I was kind of grumpy - but here's the deal. I've been walking them around and they're able to keep up. I think I'm loosing my pace. Haha.

Here's another side note - I wore my heels to dinner. Just to say that I survived the cobble-stone streets of London...and I did! Didn't fall down once. Luckily. Haha. Guess you're not allowed to fall down on your birthday. Anyway I plan on handing them to mom and letting her take those crazy things off of me. Sheesh. I can only handle them for small, small amounts of time.

I miss you guys! Sorry it took me a day to update this thing - I was just basking in the fun of getting to be with my Mom and Dad for my birthday. It was great and I couldn't have asked for anything else. (Cept maybe the rest of you guys - and Johnny too I guess. ;) ) Miss you guys!

We're off to explore - it's cold today so now my parents will finally understand my 'cold' rainy weathered London.



  1. Glad you had a great birthday. The Stone's restaurant sounds like the highlight of your Dads trip. I love your dresses especially the one with the lace. We are making plans to go to Branson on Thursday. I am not sending Jess to school on Thursday day. It would be too much to get her out at noon and we want to see a show on Thursday night. We are going to Dave's house on Saturday and will bring Jess home on Sunday. It is going to be hard for us to give her back but I'm sure she wouldn't stand for that. She been good about it but she misses her mom and dad and sister. I can hardly wait until you get to go to Paris. Thats a special place. I haven't heard anything else about terrorist in London or Paris. Got to go to exercise write to you later. I love you...Gramner

  2. Becca, I'm so jealous of that cake!! I really wish i was in London with you so I could help you eat it. (Yum!):)Any way, I also love your dresses, they all look adorable on you,as usual.Well as you know,Me, Grandmother and Grandaddy are all going to Branson Tomorrow. I'm totally pumped,because tomorrow is my last day of school. I guess now that your b-day is out of the way, we can start talking about ME!!HA!
    Love you.
    .PS. tell Mom and Dad, I SAID "Hi" and i love them. :)

  3. It rained yesterday about 15 minutes. It's cooler today. No fair not reporting. You got us hooked and now we are addicts and no blog. I'm kidding. I know you all are busy. Do you go to Paris on Thursday? They closed the Eiffel Tower because of rioting yesterday. Be safe. Jess is doing well. I know she is missing you all. I sent a note by her today for her absence tomorrow. She got her science makeup homework and has already done it because she didn't want to do it in Branson. Let us know whats happening. Love you....Gramner

  4. We are leaving this morning but please continue your blog. We can read it on Uncle David's computer. As usual everyone is ready but me so I have to go. Love you....Gramner
