Friday, October 29, 2010

Chinatown - take two!

(Sympathy for the Devil - The Stones) Well hey there!

Today was Friday (which is my Saturday of sorts.) I was moving really slowly for some reason though and didn't wake up until eleven. I had originally planned on getting up around eight and going for a run, however, that one completely failed. We'll see how tomorrow works out.

I went on a lovely run by Big Ben today (as always) and I noticed how many people have strained facial expressions when they run...I really hope I don't look like I'm constipated or anything...Hmmm.

Alright let's see. After the run (which was nice because Kemper made me a running playlist and I liked having some different music to run to. :p) I took a shower and had a nice lunch consisting of grilled cheese and cheez-its.

Then, Kemper and I went to the library and battled the computer until we finally booked our Scotland trip. So, guess what? I'm going to Scotland next weekend, no big deal. Apparently Edinburgh is the most haunted city in the get ready for some ghostie stories. :P I'm really excited - we booked a Bed and Breakfast and Edinburgh sounds really cool.

But after that we had to sit down and sort of plan all the important day trips we're going to take the rest of the time we're here. Literally it's only about a month left - and so we put Liverpool and Oxford on the list. We also penciled in Chicago and a couple of other productions at the national theatre. I'm excited!

After that - which took a while - sheesh - we went to Candid and did some homework. I do love that we've walked there so often that the walk is kind of like driving home to Little Rock from Conway or something. It's a regularity - a familiarity that we have formed with our tiny environment of London. Haha. It makes London more bearable - but not quite home because I'm still sure that home has a lot to do with the people in it...

Anyway - we read a book for Susie's class for a bit. It's Buddha of Suburbia by Hanif Kureishi. I like it so far way better than I like Riddley Walker - blah! (Crystal Ball - Keane) I read a good portion of it whilst sipping my lovely mocha.

After we both got to a stopping point we left. The cafe today was a bit stuffy and less comfortable than it usually is for some reason. When we got outside lo and behold it was raining! Ugh. Stupid London weather that is now actually behaving like London weather. :( It rains a lot. (In My Life - The Beatles) It's ok, I've learned to always have my umbrella with me. Kemper and I whipped those things out and we trudged through the windy rain all the way to China Town.

Now I shall backtrack. Today earlier in the day I mentioned to Kemper how I would really like to eat some chinese She caught my subtle hint and we made a huge trek all the way over to China town. I know that I said originally it stinks (and it really kind of does smell really funny) but I really wanted some sweet and sour chicken. Mom knows. She eats Chinese food with me sometimes. :P

Anywho - we couldn't really find any vegetarian options that sounded safe so we also went to Subway. Then we went back to Kemper's flat and ate really good food. :) Man, I'm not kidding. I haven't had Chinese food this whole time (and although it's not my favourite restaurant in Little Rock) it was still pretty awesome. (Nothing Better - The Postal Service)

AND now I feel like Kemper and I can call ourselves Londoners. I mean, we trudged through the windy, cold-ish rain to get 'take-away' food for dinner. HA! I will conquer you yet London. Just bring it on!

We then watched an AMAZING chick type movie. I mean, personally I'm a huge fan of Melissa Joan Hart. Anyway - I really do love getting to be inside our flat (well Kemeper's flat) and just sort of having a night in. It's comforting to have somewhere to be when it's raining, even if the walls are bright white like an insane asylum...We just have to persevere through it...

I then returned to my own flat to update this thing and then go to bed. I'm off tomorrow to Brighton one more time. Kemper and I are sick of the city. We need a breath of fresh air. I know you're thinking - well she's been there a million times - but I. Love. Brighton. It's absolutely amazing. So. We shall venture forth.

I did get a lovely piece of pumpkin pie. Claire made a home-made pumpkin pie from a pumpkin. I have no idea how she did it but it was amazing. It made me realize how much I'm going to miss Thanksgiving at home though. :( I know someone who can make the best pecan pie in the world (Jess) and the best mashed potatoes (Gramner...)

Miss you guys! (Wild Horses - The Rolling Stones)




  1. It was great to talk to you last night. I can't wait for you to be home and we can do whatever. I haven't been shopping in ages. Memphis is going to be so fun. I haven't been to the Peabody since we saw Phantom. Granddad has gone to the lake today to finish putting up the lighting to the lake. He is doing it for you because he thought you might be going up there over Christmas break. Jess is out of school next Thursday and Friday so they will probably go back to get wood. Granddad caught 2 fish last week at Hot Springs. I will e-mail the picture to you. I have gotten so hooked on reading your blog I guess you will have to keep writing it after you come home. I love you....Gramner

  2. Hey Z - I'm hooked too. I wish I was there with you - sipping mochas and eating pie. Not so much the running part. Ha! Take care and enjoy your many day trips. You will be so glad you took advantage of close European travel. You are one smart cookie!
    It's cold and rainy in LR today if that makes you feel better. :)
