Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm in the background...

Well hello there! Sorry for no posting last night - by the time I got around to bed I didn't feel like writing a post - so I didn't. WOA. I'm living on the wild side - skipping a post and all.

Well I have one thing to say for today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!! You're 18!!! (Seems like just yesterday you were six and sitting on my pillow refusing to give up your space on my bed! Crazy little sister of mine! I miss you!) Sorry I can't be there for your birthday but I've been thinking about you all day. I love you.

Ok. Now that that important message is out of the way - I shall take you back to yesterday.

Wednesday was nice because I got to sleep in till about eleven thirty. I was up until four the night before - one of my aimless, sleepless nights. After I woke up Kemper and I went to the little cafe in Russell Square. I got a pistachio ice cream/gelato thing in a cone. It was quite delicious actually. We decided that we needed to come back sometime because they had good looking food for cheap! That's a nice change of pace for London. haha.

After that we went to Shakespeare and muddled through some of Hamlet. I don't know if I mentioned this, but we had a 'midterm/test/quiz' thing yesterday. I think it went pretty well we shall see.

After class I went running and got caught in a protesting parade. What is it with me getting caught in places? I mean there was that one time when I ran into the Papal procession and the Pope himself, and yesterday I went and ran into a parade! They were protesting the budget cuts - and personally - I don't blame them. BUT they were blocking my path to the river - so I cut my run short.

After running I took a shower and made a quick dinner before I popped over to Kemper's flat. Hillary had decided that we were all going to go to the College Arms for the pub quiz trivia night. It was so much fun! The whole group pretty much went. Me, Kemper, Hillary, Mandi, and Erin were on a team. We were called team "Turtles!" and we failed miserably. Haha. I did contribute though, I knew that the Volkswagen is the people's car...mostly because I would give anything in the world to own a little green bug...well not ANYTHING, but still.

After that we came back and I did some laundry. You see - tomorrow - which is Friday - we are going on a trip all weekend to Bath and then Exeter in the West Country. Apparently we're going to Dartmoor and a coastal town. I'm really excited. We get to stay in B & Bs and such, and well, hopefully the breakfast is good. So - I did laundry to get ready for that. You guys be ready - I won't have my computer with me so I probably won't update until Monday or Tuesday night. When we get back on Monday night we then have to go see a production of Hamlet - so I don't know how ambitious I'll be feeling after one of Shakespeare's longest plays! Sheesh!

NOW - onwards to today. Today I woke up and went to Politics. We got to watch V for Vendetta in class - which I've seen before. I liked it the first time and I liked it this time as well. I think it's a good, entertaining movie, but I don't think it's a great one to have political discussions about. It was weird to see London in the background and think, "I've been there!" So that was kind of neat - but I wasn't really into the discussion all that much.

After that I went for a nice long intense run. You may think I'm getting obsessive with the running but - two things. 1 - it's getting cold and I don't know if I'll be able to handle running outside in November. 2 - I'm about to be traveling all weekend and on a bus - so I'll feel like a caged animal at times (even if that is a dramatic simile to throw out there.) It was a nice run - the sun was out even though it was freezing and I completely enjoyed running along the river path. My reward is getting to see Big Ben for my halfway mark. :)

After that I showered, cleaned up, and made lunch. Then, Kemper and I went off to H & M to buy some gloves for our trip this weekend. Dr. King said it may rain on saturday - AND I'm tired of having cold hands so we took care of that. I also bought a skirt - you'll see when I get home. Jess will probably think it's too short. H & M is a neat store - it's cheaper and you have to be careful that you don't completely cheap out - but some of their stuff is really cute! I wish we had these things.

Anywho - (my gloves are dark purple :P) after that Kemper and I walked back and then we frequented our little cafe again tonight. I knitted and am finally finished with scarf number one. I got some nice peppermint tea and Kemper got some divine cherry cheesecake! I can't believe how good it was - next time I'll get some - but at the time I was still pretty full from lunch.

We stayed there for a long time just being silly and chatting and people watching the other cafe goers...then we wealked back and I made dinner and packed for the trip this weekend. I'm pretty much waiting for my little familial unit to get on skype - so I thought I'd write a quick little update. I don't know what to do about posting pictures anymore - my blog is full of memory because apparently I take too many. I don't know we'll see. I miss you all - wish Jess a very happy birthday for me. :)

Love you guys.



  1. Yeah! Yay! I'm the first person to comment before Grammner today!! Which is fair because TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!:)I remember the good ol' days... stealing Becca's pillow and what not. HA! I'm glad you brought that up, I'd forgotten how much fun that was. Thanks Sis. Well I'm missing you like crazy and totally wish you could be here for my B-day:(
    Oh, Well

  2. Have fun at Cheers you silly goose! Love you - glad you're having a good birthday. :) Goodnight madame! (Sorry you can't steal my pillow with a whole ocean between us!)

  3. Ask and you shall receive Mr. Tambourine Man.
