Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Randoms - my new favourite non-chocolate candy. ;)


Becca likes a candy that does not involve chocolate! Alert the MEDIA! Wait - I used to be the Media. Haha. Gotta love it.

Today was a really really good day for some reason. I expect this week to be busy because it's our midterm week of sorts. But today was quite nice. In fact, today was perfectly amazing. I think now that I'm done raving about it I shall tell you all about it. :)

Alright it's Tuesday so I began this morning early, with breakfast and tea before my British Life and Culture class with Susie. I had jam on my toast this morning and some nice black tea. (I was aiming for caffeine because I couldn't fall asleep last night because even though I was exhausted from my intense travels this weekend - I'm so excited that Mom and Dad will be here, in oh, like two days!!!)

Whew. So. Anywho. I went outside to meet Kemper because we had class at the Imperial War Museum today, and she and I were going to ride the red double decker bus to class. So we did and we got there about thirty minutes early because we alloted ourselves extra time. That worked out well enough because we walked around until she and I found a place for coffee and a pasty thing. I got coffee from this really neat Italian restaurant where the employees literally spoke Italian. A lovely little old Italian man called me amore and asked me if I wanted sugar in my coffee. I know that this is really petty - but in London - I get really excited when people are nice.

We walked a bit down the street and got Kemper this really good spinach bread thing from this really sketchy pastry place. Don't get me wrong - it smelled like heaven in there. :) After that we walked to the museum to meet up with the rest of the group and Susie. We went inwards and spent about three hours walking around. This is a definite place that Dad would love. We spent a long time in the World War I and World War II exhibits and Kemper and I did the Trench Experience. As ridiculous as this is about to sound, I literally had adrenaline in my stomach when we walked through the trenches. They made it smell bad in there and it was really really dark...

Anywho then we explored the war art and Sergeant's famous paintings. They were intense and I stared at his largest one for at least ten minutes in complete silence. I really liked it, I suppose, or at least I had a reaction to it. Ha. Anywho after that Kemper and I went to the Holocaust exhibit. We had to leave that one - it was really starting to get to me.

We caught the bus back after class and I had an egg sandwich for lunch - good old faithful. :) Then Kemper and I went to the library and I spent forever perfecting my Shakespeare paper. I probably overdid it a bit. A bit...Ugh. Can't help it it's the first paper I've written over here for school so it's a big deal...to me anyway.

After that I thought that I needed to go practice for the choir audition that was supposed to be today - but I failed on that one. Let me explain - I failed because I wasn't even eligible to try out. They have two concerts both of which I thought were in November however one is in late December. So...I felt really bad but I emailed the lady in charge and profusely apologized to her and told her that I couldn't try out. I felt really horrible about that. But on the bright side, I think I'm going to join this Christian Rock Choir Group that doesn't have auditions and meets every Monday for two hours. Why not? I sent them an email so I'll keep you posted on that one...

Alright. SO after that little mishap I printed my paper out and then I realized that I had TIME TO GO RUNNING!!! SUCESS! Oh I was so excited. I took a good six mile run. It took me about an hour and this includes the crazy traffic in London and all that - I'm getting really good at weaving through all the suits and ties. I usually go running at rush hour so it's busy. I tried to look up an alternative route to where I was headed - St. James Gardens, however, even though I wrote my instructions on my hand - I got lost. So I just found the Thames path and ran along there like I always end up doing. I figure that's alright because there are always a lot of people run there and I love seeing all of St. Paul's and Big Ben and Parliament in the skyline.

That was lovely and got my endorphins all flowing. YES! So, after that Kemper, Hillary and I went to this Mexican place called Benito's Hat. Let me explain - you start to mix Tex-Mex when it doesn't exist and you really, really want some. SO - we went and got Burritos the size of my face. OH MY GOODNESS. It was so amazingly delicious. I loved it. AND then after that - seems like we should have just gone back to the flat - well we didn't.

Actually we did - we had to get my oyster card because I needed to top up for class tomorrow. For Art and Architecture we are meeting in the Victoria and Albert Museum, which Kemper and I went to a couple of weeks ago when we went to Harrods. Then we went to Ed's Diner. Hahaha. It was amazing. Ed's Diner is in Soho and they advertise having American Diner food. Literally they have signs for burgers and fries and shakes. So Kemper and I went to get a milkshake. Gramner - guess what flavor I got? I got my Chocolate Peanut butter one that you always think is crazy when we go to the purple cow. It was nice to go - sort of my comfort food. Gramner and I go to purple cow and get milkshakes a lot. In fact, Jess and I go a lot as well. I think she likes the purple one and the strawberry one.

They had a jukebox that was fifties style and they were playing songs from Grease and such and I was loving it. I kept looking for Billy Ocean's Caribbean Queen, but they didn't have it. I was a bit confused as to why they had the Animals The House of the Rising Sun...Hmmmm....Strange combination there.

Anywho after that we walked to Holborn station and I topped up and then on the way back Kemper and I got a package of Randoms. They are a bag of gummy candies that are literally shaped like random objects. I ate a hedgehog, a beer mug, a lighthouse, and a palm tree. :) So much fun to reach your hand in and pull out a strange looking item. Kemper got to eat a bow-tie. I was a little jealous.

So anyway - as you can see from my tone today was great. I don't know if it's because I finally got to go running, I had a great burrito, or I had a wonderful milkshake in Soho...it's probably the fact that Kemper and I were walking around like we owned the city. We finally are making London work for us. Yes Man! This is how it should be.

BUT NOW - hurry up Thursday because I'd really like to see my Mom and Dad. Although it's only six days until my twentieth birthday, you are never too old to be excited to see your parents. And boy am I excited! :)

I miss all of you guys. Again, thanks for the letters they are part of the reason I smile as much as I manage to. Alright I'm back to the Stones - and hopefully I'll get to talk to that boy named Johnny Gately...Hmmmm. ;)

Perhaps I'll listen to the Beatles instead? It's research. :P



  1. When you come home I will buy you all the peanut butter shakes you can drink and I won't make fun of them. Just between you and me, Mom has the cutest rain coat and a great tan sweater and brown and tan scarf. I think you can talk her out of them. They would be perfect for you and she doesn't need a rain coat in Arkansas. It never rains here. I'm sending you a package by Mom but don't open until they leave. You will need something to cheer you up then. Be safe I know you will be having fun.. I love you...Gramner

  2. Becca, you know how much I love our purple cow trips. I still think the peanut butter one is gross:( Anyway, well I don't have any exciting news, except for I'm trying to have Dixon over for my birthday so that we can carve pumpkins or something. That reminds me I asked Mom and Dad to deliver your present to you,considerring I won't actually get to give it to you in person:(
    Have fun with Mom and Dad for me!!
    .PS. Take more pictures, i like looking at them.
    Love, Jess

  3. Gramner - I love going to purple cow with you! I wish it never rained here - although today it's supposed to be around 65 degrees! London is going all spastic on me.

    Jess - I miss you so much! I hope you get to have Dixon over. Sorry I'm stealing mom and dad but they'll be back for your birthday. That's so sweet of you to send a present by them for me! I love you Jess you're the sweetest person I know. Keep smiling and I'll send them (and then me eventually) right back over the pond before you know it! Love you!
