Monday, October 18, 2010

The first time I've ever been in a Rock Gospel Choir...

Well hello there.

What happened to all my comments? Is it because I got them all bunched up at once so now I don't get any anymore? Awwww...I miss you guys! Now I will quit complaining and delve into today's events.

I woke up around ten-thirty this morning and I decided to mail some things. ;) I had a bunch of things to send round to people and well, I battled the post office (where they just aren't very nice at all) and I managed to get all seven items sent. I'd be more specific, but then you'd know what I sent..Hm. No fun if there isn't a little element of surprise now is there?

Alrighty, so - after that I went and attacked Kemper. She and I decided to spend the day looking at what we had to do for the rest of the semester. We tried to plan our Scotland trip along with Liverpool and Oxford. I'll keep you updated on when those things are happening. :) This coming weekend is the group trip to Bath (Haha - Bath Round Two) and Exeter - the West Country. I have no idea what we're going to do in Exeter, but I'm excited. We'll be in B&B's and such, so that should be nice.

Kemper and I walked around for a long time this morning/lunchtime/early afternoon trying to find a comfortable coffee shop with free wifi. We ended up in soho and I bought another chocolate peanut butter milkshake. I just don't know how that keeps happening. :P

We failed and ended up back at my flat, because I have the better internet connection. We managed to be pretty successful, and have thus far contacted some B&B's in Edinburgh. I'm excited!! I will definitely be utilizing Gramner's birthday gift for when we venture up north - I think it'll have to be in November!! SHEESH - it's going to be cold.

After that - it was around three thirty - I went for a nice run. I have a nice little route that takes me by Big Ben figured out and it's about four and half miles round trip. Maybe a little more. However, I think it may be time to change my scenery. I might have to get a route that makes me able to run through Green Park (my favourite one that reminds me of Notre Dame.)

Anyway, after that I took a shower and made dinner. I had a nice sandwich with Cheez-its and some grapes. Got to get my fruit in there - no worries Mumsy! :P

After that I worked on some Hamlet-type things because we have a test on Wednesday...THEN I um...I well...

Well - I put myself outside of and inside of my own box at the exact same time. What did I do -you may ask? Well I went to the London Revelation Rock Gospel Choir's rehearsal. SOOOOOOOOOO I got to SING!!! YES! IT was absolutely BEAUTiful!!!

But, I've never been in a gospel choir before. They really do sway and dance and such when they sing. I just sort of faked it. Yes, we did sing Kum-by-yah (or however you spell it) but the harmonies on it were gorgeous. I want to go back as many times as I can just simply for the singing. The people in the group were mostly nice as well.

I met this one girl who is in her third year of University here in London and she and I seemed to get on really nicely. She wants to get a cup of coffee sometime or maybe do something really touristy in London, simply because she's never done it and this would be her last chance (she's almost ready to graduate!) She had beautiful curly hair like Marie Britt has. It was also her first rehearsal and so we just sort of talked and laughed (at some of the not so great singing) together.

Now. I must backtrack. If it hadn't been for Kemper I probably wouldn't have gone. I hope one day I overcome my stupid self-consciousness...but I'll probably live with it longer than I should. I got all nervous, because I wasn't going to know anyone and all that. You know, the same old 'shy' story.

But Kemper helped me put together a very London-ish outfit and essentially gave me a pep-talk haha! I mean, when I found the right room in the Union I stood there for five minutes leaning up against the wall trying to be suave and cool. SHEESH. I was so nervous - luckily this strange older lady (who was one of the conductors) managed to talk me into the room for choir. I have no idea what she was wearing, but I remember being shocked by her weird, huge purply outfit. BUT - she was so nice. And if it wasn't for her - I probably would have just sat outside the room and listened to the choir. Haha.

Also - as I was walking up I could hear the London Union's orchestra practicing - or maybe it was a jazz band? They sounded great! I might have to go to one of their shoes sometime whilst I'm here. They sounded really, really good. It was neat to hear that sort of brassy, jazz sounding through the streets. I felt sort of like I was in New Orleans. HEY! New Orleans is way closer to Little Rock than London is. Just saying.

Anywho I have class tomorrow in WhiteChapel Art Gallery and I need to go to sleep to be up early enough to catch the right tube. I am beginning to hate the tube even more now - simply because it controls my sleeping pattern sometimes. EW.

Alright well I hope all is well on the home front. You guys should comment - because I'm not writing this just for myself (although it is quite funny to go back and read. Goodness!)

Ok. Well I miss you tons! I'll pop in tomorrow with an update. Goodnight!



  1. I love the way you just "pop in". Very British. We went to Branson and saw some great shows. Granddad and I were talking about the time we took you and you were dancing in the aisle. I took Jess shopping but thats not her thing. I needed you there. We went to Uncle David's on Saturday and spent the night. I love his house. We watched the game and David drove us home on Sunday. It was a great week . I forgot to tell you we went to Silver Dollar City. It has changed since I had been there. Lots of rides that Jess and Aunt Sandra rode. We got all kinds of food but we were too full of junk for the funnel cakes. Now I wish I had one but at the time UGH. Your singing is just what you need to cheer you. I'm glad you found it. I hope you get the package soon. I'm beginning to worry but they don't let you insure them. I love you and miss you...Gramner

  2. GRAMNER! I'm popping in to tell you that you are amazing! I got your package today and I can't even begin to tell you how much needed it was! Don't worry, I've already passed around a couple of candy bars to save - but those oreos are a godsend! :) It's only about a month left and I'll be home!!! I miss you so much! Too bad you didn't get a funnel cake. Mum made one once, maybe we could make one when I return - because they don't really have funnel cakes over here...HMMMM. MISS YOU! <3

  3. Becca, I'm so happy that you did the choir thing. Well, as you know my b-day is comming up, and Dixon's comming up to carve Pumpkins! YEAH! I'll miss not having my older sis there to help though. :(. Any way Anna And Christina are having a B-day on the 30th but I CAN'T GO THEN, SO I'm trying to figure out how to help them celebrate. Love you Jess.
