Sunday, October 10, 2010

From SOHO down to ... Piccadilly circus?

Well now. It is definitely fall break and all I can say is that my jet-lagged parents are complete troopers!

Today was off to a bit of a rough start. I mean, this morning I woke up at eight something only to roll back over because my parentals were literally not about ten when I really woke up I went to figure out the coffee pot and the espresso machine.

First of all...It's been a while since I have worked an actual coffee pot...and I have NEVER worked an espresso machine. I started the coffee and figured that would wake mum and dad up - it didn't. So i read the instructions to the espresso thing and I did that and it sounded like a jack hammer - so mum woke up.

That was good - considering it was eleven in the morning and I was antsy to do something. SO - I made a second espresso and dad woke up - but it was ok because I made some coffee so that when he woke up he couldn't be angry - I had the goods!


After that I uploaded some pictures to my blog whilst mum and dad got ready for our explorations. We found a book in our flat that had 'Memorable London Walks' and dad picked Soho...Whew...Soho.

So - we did Soho. We got on the tube - and well - the tube was a mess. Literally - the third time is the charm. I don't know what the deal was today - it was definitely a Sunday but everybody was out on the tube trying to go somewhere. We just wanted to go to Leicester Square. Sheesh.

Well we finally made it and I must say old chap - the weather was quite gorgeous today. Seriously, my parents brought the nice warm weather for me. I felt like I was chilling in Fayetteville in the Fall. :) It was around sixty something today. WHOOT WHOOT!

I am now eating another mississippi slide cupcake in premature celebration for my twentieth birthday. TWENTY. Sheesh. I'm old.

Alright on with the story. We walked around Soho all day. My parents were right - it was different. The architecture is beautifully different in the heart of soho. There is crazy red brick and crazy white neo-classical style buildings as well.

Anywho we ate some traditional British food for dinner. I had some fish and chips and so did mom. Diddy had some weird sausage and mash stuff (which means mashed potatoes.) WHEW. I had a bite and they were incredibly tasty.

I took a bunch of pictures today and I'll probably end up uploading them tomorrow.

Let's see. After we did our exploring I took mum and dad to Green Park. Green Park is the one that makes me feel like I'm at Notre Dame. I took Kemper there once and I read pretty much all of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World there one afternoon by myself. I also took them to Buckingham palace - and they agreed - it's not as pretty as it sounds.

We took pictures though - just to prove we were there. You always have to do that. Well - after that we went on a hunt for my birthday cake but most things were closed because it's Sunday - so we'll get my birthday cake tomorrow. I kind of want a cheese cake at the moment - but that could change - you never know.

Anywho - I am turning twenty tomorrow. I feel quite - old - and strange - but most of all loved by my family. I love you guys and miss you terribly. If I don't upload pictures now I'll do it tomorrow!



  1. Hey Becca, well are you taking good care of Mom and Dad for Me? I sure do miss you guys. Any way,me and Grandad went fishing today with Aunt Pam. I almost caught a catfish, that weighed almost two or three pounds, (no joke), but he bit my LINE AND GOT AWAY. Oh well, there's alway's next time. happy almost b-day! 20? WoW!

    love, Jess

  2. Happy Birthday sweet baby. Sorry we can't share your day but we will for the 21st. I noticed you are still carrying the same bag. You need to get another one to replace it. Sounds like a busy and fun day. That fish looks very greasy but good. I'm enjoying your pictures. Keep them coming. I love you...Gramner

  3. Thank for commenting you guys!

    Jess - Mom and Dad are fine but we all miss you!!! I seriously keep thinking you're here and we've somehow lost you! Sorry bout the fish! You know if I were there you woulda had him! Miss you!

    Gramner - I uploaded pictures of my presents go look at them! I miss you and love you. Thanks for the birthday present - it'll be perfect for this coming cold month of February and especially perfect for when I visit Scotland in November! I miss you. <3
