Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Can I have a glass of water...?"-Kemper, "Sure, why not" - strange waiter dude in Chinatown

Hello hello hello!

Guess what? I got to go on a Beatles London Walk today! OH MY GOODNESS. I WENT TO ABBEY ROAD AND GRAFFITIED THE WALL! (On a side note - I forgot my camera, so I'll be going back on Thursday to take pictures. Hey, why not?)

The walk was great! I had this really great tour lady named Desiree (at least, I think that's probably how you spell it). She was very theatrical and into everything she was telling us. Most of what she told us, I already knew, because I read that 400 hundred something biography. I think for my paper I'm going to title it "Beatlemania" and focus on the Beatles in the 60s (and the cultural backdrop that helped them rise to such a huge level of fame.)

So anywho, I got up this morning really early and went running. I owned the streets of London. They were all mine. Except when I got to the Thames path there were groves of old war Veterans decked out in their uniforms. I discovered later that today was the remembrance service. I should have jogged on over, apparently the Queen was there! Gasp!

Anyways, I ran back to the flat and had breakfast, showered, and got dressed in time to get to start some homework for a bit before the tour at eleven. I managed to show up in the right place and I took some notes and such. It was great. I mean, I got to walk around and listen to facts about the Beatles.

The only problem was that I got up today and London decided it was going to be FFFFFFREEEEZING! I mean, seriously. I went running in a t-shirt and I came back with arms raw from the wind. Sheesh. SO walking about London in the rain that was inevitable was slightly miserable. In fact, I am just now getting my feet all warm and toasty. I'm doing laundry. Woot.

After I finally made it back I popped over to Kemper's to find Hillary and Kemper making another homemade pizza. I was in the mood for Christmas Starbucks blends, so I asked if anyone wanted a coffee. I walked to a Starbucks and got myself a Toffee Nut Latte. It was really good, but I should have just gotten a white chocolate peppermint mocha. I will save that one for Gramner. It's such a Christmas time thing!

Anywho then I did a bunch of homework all of the remaining afternoon. I finished my politics rewrite for good, worked on my shakespeare paper, and started my Riddley Walker legend paper. I get to be creative in that one as long as I can make it political. I will do my best. I fear that class the most - politics. Bleh.

Then, HIllary and Erin were going to Chinatown for Kemper and I jumped on the bandwagon and joined the troupe. I love food from Chinatown. I don't think I'll get Chinese food quite like that in Little Rock. :) (And in Little Rock I have a hard time convincing Dad to eat it with me.;) ) Anywho the waiter was very strange. When Kemper asked if she could have a refill he replied in a very grandiose manner, "Sure, why not?" I really think service over here is totally different from service in the States. Just saying.

But my fried rice was good. And on the way out of Chinatown, Kemper and I stopped at this little sweets shop and got a cupcake thing with a frosted animal on it. Jess, you're going to have to learn how to do this. Actually, it was sort of like a sushi roll cupcake, because the base was cake rolled up with cream and such. Like an oreo...but not. Haha. Here I am dissecting my sweets again. Sheesh, that must be all I'm good for.

After we ate those I came over to the flat to start laundry and talk to this Johnny Gately fellow. :) In case you haven't read Notre Dame won. He was very enthused. (This is for all you Razorback fans out there.);)

Tomorrow morning I'm getting up early to go to Liverpool. I have a tour booked. I'm soooooo excited! I'm going to Liverpool, you know, where the Beatles started out? As the Quarrymen? No worries, I'm charging my camera as we speak. I shall update tomorrow. Pinky promise!

Miss you guys!


  1. I had a pumpkin spice latte when we were shopping and we talked about how we missed you and it wasn't the same without you. I'll wait 'til you get home to have the Christmas flavors. I wondered how you were going to write about the Beatles without writing a book. I think what you decided will be the most exciting because they were still hungry at that time. I am mailing you a Oreo idea for Thankgiving. I'd make it and send it but I don't think it would survive. Have to go eat dinner. Talk to you tomorrow. I love you....Gramner

  2. Pumpkin spice? Sounds pretty good. You gotta wait for me on the peppermint one though...I've told myself I have to wait. :) I probably will write a book about the Beatles. OREOS! I love Oreos! I miss you. Thanks for posting Gramner. Sometimes I need a little help from my friends. :) Seventeen days.
