Thursday, November 25, 2010

Is this a door...or art? And TURKEY DAY!

Oops! I haven't updated enough I thought that I would remedy that....

Well today is Turkey Day...or I suppose Thanksgiving Day, whichever you prefer to call it! I personally like Turkey Day...because you usually eat a lot of Turkey!

Alright well I'm going back to Tuesday...which was a pretty busy day...

Tuesday November 23 2010:

Tuesday was the day that I presented my Beatles presentation. I woke up early to walk over to the school building to make sure that my powerpoint worked. Of course it didn't that was something that I had to deal with.

No worries though, I just popped into Nero and got a coffee and went and found my seat. I decided that I would present with my powerpoint on my small computer...But surprsiningly that threw me off so I was kind of slow with the actual presentation and it may have been a bit disjointed...But I think all-in-all it went pretty well! I still can't wait to show Diddy my powerpoint!

After that class I decided that I didn't want to go running...mainly because I can running anytime at home, but I can't go do certain things at home that I can do in London. So we (Hillary, Kemper, and I) went to the Tate Modern Museum. I really wanted to see more of that than we did when we had class in there with Barnaby.

So...I got to see some Picasso, Warhol, and only my favourite Dali...No worries. It was really cool...and some of it was really strange. In fact, we were in one of the wings of the gallery and this girl was taking a picture of a door. We laughed so hard. I think she thought it was art...because I mean, we WERE looking at modern art...but hey. It was a door, NOT art. But still, a laugh is a good thing to have. :)

After that we ended up back at the flat before our Greek Farewell Dinner that Hendrix paid for. It was totally awesome because I got to order a £25 meal! I got chargrilled lamb and potatoes and some kind of amazing dip with pita AND baklava! I should have gone running I suppose. Haha - all in all, it was a great day.

After Dinner Kemper and I went to Sainsbury's and we got all the ingredients for Green Things. We pre-made it and froze it because I knew that that would make Turkey Day so much easier. :)

SO that brings me to Wednesday 24 November 2010:

Wednesday was my last day of Art and Architecture and Shakespeare. I mourned the last Shakespeare class, but I don't mind being out of Art and least this particular course wasn't necessarily my thing.

Anywho...we went to four different galleries in Shoreditch for our morning art class. Most of it was naked photographs and stuff...and all I can don't understand why nudes are considered art. UGH. Whatever, man, I'm tired of naked photos. I must just not be getting something.

After that we rushed back to the flat to quickly have lunch. I had a beigel and cream cheese and some chips and stuff. It was good, but I don't like eating in five minutes. I know I ALWAYS complain about that, but hey, my food is important haha.

We then rushed over to Shakespeare. We got our last papers back and I did really well, so that was good. We also got out really early and we all went to a pub together. Jean bought me a half-pint of was really good. I should have been partaking of that more often this semester.

After pubtime I went to proofread my Riddley Walker (politics) paper one more time and then printed it. Then we had dinner in Kemper's flat and got ready for pub quiz This week we convinced Nick and Danni (this girl who lives in our flat and goes to school somewhere in California) to go with us. We only came in last again, but we did better than usual. Our name this week was "Five little Turkeys" - in honour of Turkey Day. :)

Wednesday was good - but at that point I realized how much I'll miss certain things over here...Like Shakespeare. Haha funny how life is, isn't it?

Thursday November 25 2010:

TURKEY DAY! WOW. Today was pretty busy. I got up this morning and walked with Kemper to Nero to get my free coffee. I had one of those little member cards that I had finally gotten stamped enough times. So that was nice. :)

After that I went to politics like every Thursday, and we talked about A Man for All Seasons. However, we got out very early, which was nice. I mailed my package of goodies home today. I finally got a really nice lady at the post office to help me instead of that mean guy that is always the only one who is free. WHEW. I managed to do that...and my packaged should arrive the same day I get home...In just seven/six days! HOLY SMOKES! I'm finally coming home! So excited.

Anywho Kemper and HIllary helped me do that - I needed moral support. After the Post Office I went on a nice run, which turned out to be the smart thing to do. After my run I showered and got dressed and then went to help at Kemper's. Kemper made a bunch of home-made biscuits for Thanksgiving and we had to pop the Green Things in the oven.

We finally did all that and arrived at my flat (where the party was) and we had a buffet styled set-up with everything from pumpkin pie to turkey to biscuits to salad to carrots to GREEN THINGS. And I will say that all the Green Things are gone. (That may be because I ate half of them myself, but hey.) :P

We ate for forever and afterwards we were like oh my goodness it's only five thirty. haha. We went over to Kemper's and blew bubbles and laid on the floor trying to get over being so full. Poor Hillary fell asleep on the floor. I'm telling you, Turkey will do that to you every time. Haha.

After that Kemper and I went to this place in Soho that I've wanted to go to since we planned our Ireland trip that has gelato. I got some pistachio and I will say that I've honestly never had pistachio that good. I know that I am far away from you guys...(my family that is) but I had a pretty great Thanksgiving over here. I'm glad that I got to eat a really great dinner and realize how amazing and special everything and everyone is. I can't wait to come home!

I hope this is a sufficient update...I'm not sure it really matters because I'm about to skype all you people! Miss you guys! Cheers!

(Oh and before I forget - Thanks Gramner for the card! :P)

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