Sunday, November 21, 2010

"Dear Prudence, won't you come out to play?"

Well hello there! It's Sunday and I only have ten days left till I come home. Just thought I would get that lovely announcement out of the way (I've never been so adamant about counting anything before...)

Today was a homework day mostly. I've been really focused on homework. I want to be sure that I don't mess up my grade because I've only got a couple of them that are going to count for anything.

So, London essentially closes down on Sundays. The University of London library - The Senate House Library - is closed. No service. Which is pretty ridiculous, if you ask me! I mean, what are you supposed to do if you need to print something out for Monday or if you need to study for a test? I guess you go somewhere else...

But where do you go when everything closes down early or doesn't even open?

Let me backtrack, I'm getting ahead of myself again! I woke up around ten and went running this morning. No one was out, and they were doing a lot of construction work right down by the river. I grumbled as I ran by them because they were totally taking over my running path.

The good thing was that I had the streets to myself (besides the construction teams) because no one was out. It wasn't particularly sunny or anything like that, but hey. It wasn't that cold today so I enjoyed my run. Big Ben was sparkling down on me as per usual. :)

After my run I showered, had lunch, and discussed with Hillary where we would study for the day. We didn't really know what to do. What are you supposed to do if you don't want to do homework in your flat and you need internet? Well, go somewhere with free wifi I suppose...Ugh. It was so complicated.

We finally settled on a Cafe Nero which is close enough to the flat that we could walk. We spent about three-ish hours on homework. I am almost finished with my Beatles paper, I just need to add citations for the quotes and add a works cited page. The other thing I need to finish for that presentation on Tuesday is my powerpoint presentation...Ugh. (Well not ugh, it's fun to do, but I'm such a perfectionist about it.)

After we did that, we went to Kemper's flat to discuss dinner. We decided on homemade pizza again. Kemper also made some delicious raspberry white chocolate dessert cake thing. It was amazing.

We chilled at the flat and played that ludo game again. It's like sorry but...a bit Haha. We always have interesting times with that game. I also painted my nails black today...but I'm so impatient that they're all messed up looking and such. OH well. I tried, haha!

Ok well I know that's a very short update, but for once, there's really nothing going on. I've been doing homework for most of the day, running and eating for the rest of it. And counting. Counting down the seconds till I get to come home! I'm soooo excited!

I can't believe you're having Thanksgiving without me. :( Sad day. I miss you guys!

Cheers! (TEN DAYS!)


  1. Dear Becca,
    It sounds like you got quite a bit done today. We are excited that you will be coming home in a couple of weeks! I want to tell you that we will miss you at Thanksgiving Dinner, however, we are not "having Thanksgiving" without you. You will be a huge part of our thoughts, conversations, and our prayers of thanks. Thanksgiving is a day for us to be thankful for our many blessings, I am very proud of you, and thankful that you have taken advantage of the opportunity to study abroad. You take care sweetie, and I look forward to seeing you soon.
    Aunt Pam

  2. There is a full moon tonight and they had a moon walk on the Dam Bridge. It was lit up with colored lights and everyone had a light as they walked across. You and Johnnie would have had fun doing that. I told you the temperature was 44 on Thanksgiving but they have changed it thank goodness. Now the forecast is 66. Today it is 72. Definitely not like London. I am anxious to read all the papers you are writing.
    It has been such an education to have you over there. My personal travelog. Only nine days.
    I love you....Gramner

  3. Zona, I wrote a Local Flavour article the other day and thought of you! It's this place called Glass Arts Center of Arkansas and...they teach stained glass classes. You and your Gramner should check it out! They have a FB page and I will get you the number when you return.
    Take care and squeeze every last memory out of the next 10/11 days.

  4. Aunt Pam - You just warmed my heart! I suppose I meant I can't believe I don't get to be there with you guys. I can't wait to come home. I want you guys to have an awesome Turkey Day! Just get ready for the cold weather because I bet I bring it back on the plane with me...

    Gramner - That bridge thing sounds like something that Johnny and I would do. Quit having warm weather without me! The forecast for London right now this coming Saturday is snow. Ugh. Probably won't stick or even happen though. I can't wait to come home!

    Rebecca - STAINED GLASS CLASSES?!? Sign me up man! That sounds awesome! Trust me - I'm doing my best to squeeze what I can out of all the time I have left! I feel like it's just whistling on by...
