Monday, November 29, 2010

"Did you know they sell frosty's at Wendy's?" - Kemper


I can't even tell you that I need to pack...because that would just stress me out! How did I end up with all of this stuff? AGH. I'm just going to say that most of it is my love of hoodies. I can't help but be warm and cozy when I have the chance. :D

Alright - so today.

I got up and went to the library and proofread/printed my Shakespeare paper. That means I don't have any more papers to write...just one final left! I have my Art and Architecture final on Wednesday...and I'm so glad that I'll be done with my classes. Isn't it crazy to think I'll be home this week. Like, woa, man.

After the library Kemper and I made grilled cheese sandwiches and I tried the really big apple that was twice the size of my face that I bought at Portobello Road. The apple was too tart...but it was a nice attempt.

Anywho, after the grilled cheese we went and did some miscellaneous shopping for groceries and souvenirs for friends and such. Why are souvenirs so fun to shop for? Eh. Every time we go to the Waitrose by our flat they have added more Christmas lights. London all dressed up in Christmas lights is absolutely gorgeous...but I wonder how much it costs? I should probably be wondering about other things. Haha.

Let's see...After all that we went and sort of got some of Kemper's things together for packing. I was looking through a vogue and I kept wondering to myself...How do women wear heels. Really, HOW do they do it. I don't. I just fall down or don't get very far...

Finally after all that we went to the eye! I finally got to ride the London Eye. It's one of the neatest/possibly largest ferris wheels in the world? I don't know if I just made that up, but I feel like I read that in a paper somewhere once. Anywho, we went as it was getting dark and even though it was really, really cold...the city was lit with dazzling lights. I couldn't take my eyes off of Big Ben or St. Paul's. Kemper helped me get a lot of good pictures, since I was shaking the camera and the flash didn't work with the glass!

I was so amazed at the size of the city. You could see lights for miles and miles and miles...(the who!)...and I just felt that it was such a different view from above than when you are below and standing underneath towering buildings. London is such a multi-leveled city what with the underground and the multi-leveled high rises. It blows my mind a little. Well a lot actually.

After that amazing experience, we came back to the flat and got Hillary and made fajitas for dinner. It was amazing, as always. We spent some time trying to figure out what we're going to do on Wednesday afternoon...if anyone who reads this has any suggestions tell me...I'm kind of off of museums at the moment though, to give you a fair warning. :D

THEN...we went back to the Italian place in Soho and got gelato. I got the pistachio this time. I can't help it I'm addicted and when I go back to Little Rock and eat the other stuff it just won't be the same. London's got the yogurt and gelato figured out. I think I can do without all the weird candy though...isn't candy supposed to be better over here? I guess oreos aren't really candy...Haha.

Alright, alright. Here I am. Two days left. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO excited. I'll check in tomorrow. Miss you guys!



  1. We saw on the news some of the airports were closed or flights delayed but it doesn't look like that in England. We are not thinking about that happening. The London Eye sounds wonderful even if I couldn't do it I would want to. I ordered the big set of things we need for stain glass. Granddad knows how to cut glass and so does Uncle Bubber. Dick is an artist so I bet we could probably get him interested in doing this.
    It's not Christmas 'til you get home so I am not putting up any decorations until December the third which is only TWO DAYS. Hurry and pack. I love you....Gramner

  2. If the airport closes I will curl up in a ball on the floor and cry. Haha...probably not but I will be really, really sad. I can't wait to come the time you read this it will just be one more day!

