Sunday, November 28, 2010

Harrod's...Also synonymous with Dante's Inferno...

Well hello there! It's Sunday evening and I'm chilling on the floor in the hallway - my usual spot. I just got off the phone with Mumsy and Dad, and I can't wait to see you guys. You've no idea. Especially since it's so cold over here!

Alright...Today was crazy. I got in the early Christmas Spirit...because I went to Harrod's. For those of you who didn't know (previously me, pre-Harrod's trip) Harrod's is also synonymous with Dante's Inferno. Why, do you ask?

Well...Imagine a nice, large sidewalk in front of a huge London department store. THEN, imagine this sidewalk stuffed with as many tourists/Londoner's as spatially possible. And thus, my morning began outside the Knightsbridge tube station at eleven thirty. :)

I went in with Kemper and we elbowed our way through the crowds to get a couple of choice items. I can't tell you what they were...except that I eventually got myself some really nice tea! :D

We waited more than thirty minutes in the queue before we finally could pay. Then we had to bust our legs as we made our way over to the High Kensington Tube Station...where Hillary was waiting. Today we had a farewell lunch at Sticky Fingers. :) I can't get enough of the Beatles or Stones...and picking between the two would simply break my heart. Haha.

I got a nice burger and had some Amstel on draft. I'm going to miss the pints over here -it's the thing. After that Kemper and I had a nice walk by Hyde Park and Queensgate (the place where I stayed over Fall Break) before going back into Harrods. We didn't get everything we needed in round one, so we made a round two. Goodness, what WERE we thinking?

We got in and out pretty quickly, however, and then we hopped on the tube and made our way to Russell Square. We decided that I would make Green Things for dinner so we went to WaitRose and bought all the ingredients for dinner. We then grabbed Hillary from my flat and got to cooking in Kemper's flat.

The Green Things weren't as good as Turkey Day, because somehow I put too much cheese in it and didn't quite let it cook enough. It tasted alright, but I think I messed with the consistency a little bit. Haha. Oh well, we still ate it all. :) I'm telling you, you can't just have one helping of Green Things. Those things are addicting.

Anywho, after that I proofread my Politics Paper and I am now done with that class for forever. :P All I have to do is go turn it in tomorrow and HOORAH! I'm done. No MORE POLITICS EVER! NONE. NEIN! NO! NIET!

Haha. After Kemper, HIllary, and I printed out our papers we went to get gelato! We went back (with Erin and Laura) to the place that Kemper and I went to on Turkey Day. I got a different flavor than Pistachio this time, to be different. I got a chocolate thing and an even chocolatey-ier thing...but I should have just gotten Pistachio. Pistachio gelato is my favourite in the whole world...even more than peppermint ice cream, which I can never say no to. Haha.

After that I came back here and showered and then called Mumsy. I will be so glad when I'm on the same time zone as you guys. It's so weird being hours ahead and being ready for bed when you guys are just eating dinner or something like that! Go figure.

Alright, alright, well I'm really tired and my eyes are so tired of staring at computer screens. I will be updating tomorrow...Guess what? Only three days left. NO joke.



  1. Rainy day today. The cleaning ladies are coming to day instead of Tuesday because her daughter is getting her wisdom teeth out.UGH We are still trying to get rid of turkey and pie. I have an order for one pumpkin pie for someone. I can't think who asked for it. We need to go to the book store next week and we need to get the stain glass materials. Isn't it great to be planning on what we are doing together. I guess you are going to work next Tuesday. Anyway only TWO MORE DAYS. I love you...Gramner

  2. I know who ordered the pie! It was me, it was me! I'm sorry your schedule was all weird because of the cleaning lady, but I'll be home to make it better. I can't wait to go book'll be nice to read something I want to for fun, instead of for school. Miss you.
