Monday, November 15, 2010

"We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow tambourine, a yellow jellybean"- Hillary

Well. Today (the beginning of today) was an ultimate FAIL. I don't think I've ever failed so miserably. So...let me tell you all about it. In case the suspense is killing you, I didn't get to go to Liverpool. :(

Alright so about a month ago I looked up train fares to Liverpool, and I found one out of Padington Station that was about £20 there and back, which is quite reasonable. That's the price for Brighton (if you travel with a buddy). So we got up early and we left at 8:30 to be at Paddington by nine...because we looked up the timetables and saw that the train we needed left at 9:19.

WELL...we got in line to get our tickets...and the lady typed it all in her computer and she said, "That will be £189." I seriously probably poohed my pants. That is probably more than it cost me to travel to both Edinburgh and Belfast. SHEESH.

So we then went to Victoria bus station thinking we could get there in time still. Well unfortunately the buses that leave there leave later than I would have needed to get to my tour...and they were all at least six hours long when Liverpool is only about two hours away.

SO. We got back on the tube and returned to the flat at about ten. I have contacted the people in charge of the tour to see if I can get refund on that one, we'll see. I just can't justify spending that much for a train tricket for one day. I mean...GAH.

Needless to say I was a little (perhaps this is an understatement) upset after we got to the flat. I went on a very nice, long run. It's really cold now though, so I should probably run with my hoodie or something. But anywho - after that Kemper had the great idea of going to Brick Lane to get our favourite Beigels to cheer me up.

SO we grabbed Hillary and went. I got a half dozen and a salmon-cream cheese filled one for lunch. We went and sat in a park and ate it, even though it was cold. We felt a little awkward because in the park we were the minority: in gender and in ethnicity. Strange we ate quicklky and hopped back on the tube to get back to our flat.

We then all grabbed homework material and went to the library. I finished Shakespeare paper numero uno today and I printed out my politics rewrite. I also read the play we have to read for Politics this week, and I'm working on my Riddley Walker paper. Kemper and I managed to check everything off of our homework list for the that's good.

After about three hours at the library (in which I uploaded some photos from halloween and scotland...) we went to Costa and I got a Hazlenut latte thingy. I think at that time I felt a little better about the Liverpool thing. It was just so disappointing. I felt stupid for wasting our oyster cards and wasting my pre-booked tour and I didn't get to go see where the Beatles started...their household homes and strawberry fields and penny lane. :(

BUT...I had scrambled eggs for dinner with mushrooms in them and I've been wearing a Beatles shirt all day...that sort of makes it okay...right?

I will go on another Beatles Walk this suppose it's ok. I'm also going to "The Beatles Cafe" on Thursday afternoon and Abbey Road again to take you tell I'm trying to make this all ok? Haha. I am laughing at myself a little bit though, because it was such an uber FAIL.)

Oh well seventeen days till I come home. I really miss everybody like crazy. Just two more weekends and then a couple of days and I'm off! Crazy huh? I'm starting to think I'll miss some of the London.

Isn't that the way life is?

Well - cheers I suppose. Haha. No worries I'm smiling...sort of. :P


  1. I'm so sorry you didn't get to go. What a disappointment. We are having fires in the fireplace every night. That is why I wanted it to be cold. It is going to be 70 on Sunday though so we might still have warm weather when you get home. It's not long now. We bought all the big girls a rosemary tree today. They smell so good. I can't wait 'til Christmas. The food you eat sounds good. I'll feed you anything you want when you come home and lots of grill cheese unless you are tired of it. Uncle Dan came over today and we went to the Faded Rose. He had a medical procedure done and he couldn't eat before it was done so he was really hungry. I guess thats all for now. I love you ....Gramner

  2. Remember the yellow tree you and Rose loved. It is so beautiful right now. Every time I drive by it I think of my girls and the fun we had. Rose came over and saw Hammy a couple of weeks ago. She said she was doing good and still in school. She had a guy with her and he seemed nice. Mom and Jess are coming over for dinner tonight. I've got to go cook because Jess is always hungry early. See you soon. I love you ...Gramner

  3. Ohh, Z, what a bummer! But it sounded like you made the best out of the situation. I hope you get your moola back! Any more trips planned before you return to the States? I went to a press conference at the airport today and froze my toes off. :) Enjoy the rest of your time.

  4. Gramner - I miss the Faded Rose. We should go there. How is Hammy? I'm glad Rose is doing well. Tell Momma to comment on here. I miss her but I want to try and save some money on my phone for longer than a week! Haha. I can't help it I talk to her for long times on the phone. I miss you!

    Rebecca - Apparently I was not meant to go to Liverpool. I'm going to Oxford on Friday, and that will be my last trip. I'm going to do another Beatles walk in London on Saturday. I'm pretty excited. I hope it's not really all too cold in Little Rock! It's sooo cold here. Did you ever get a post card from me?

  5. Well, i guess i'll comment now. i'm sure ready for you to be home. Guess what pretty soon we get to put up a christmas tree. I can't thing of any other excting news other than the fact that me and Momma gotta go look at my Senior Pics on Saturday. I love and miss you.


  6. Hey Z - I did get your post card! I wrote commented about it in one these things - I guess you didn't get it. Thank you! It was such a great surprise. Brighton looks lovely. Enjoy your trip to Oxford. I'm going to miss reading this blog when you return to AR. Sad day.
