Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I am a bird...

Hola! (Oh how I miss espanol...)

Hello again!

Today was Wednesday...which means it was my busy day. (I had two classes today, woa freak out!) So I got up early this morning because we had to meet Barnaby at South Kensington Tube station...which is a tube station that I got familiar with when my parents were here.

Lovely. We had to go walk around Hyde park in the negative degrees (ok really it was only thirty something but STILL) and it was so cold. We looked at some contemporary pieces by some dude named Anish Kapoor (I probably didn't spell that right.) And unfortunately I found myself so cold that I had a hard time paying attention. I did take notes though, so that's good.

After that we went to the Victoria and Albert and we had to pay (WHICH if you want me to go on a rampage I can. But I probably shouldn't on my blog - so shoot me an email if you'd like to know more about my frustration...) So we paid to see this exhibit about cameraless photography...

Which was alright...but I was so overwhelmed by the small space that they placed the exhibit in that I don't know if I really got the full effect...GAH.

After that we rode the tube back to Russell in time for lunch (a quick one) before Shakespeare. Shakespeare was GREAT today. I know that I'm about to turn into uber-nerd but that's alright with me. We acted out some scenes from Hamlet today and I was Ophelia. (Lovely, cast the role to crazy female to me...lovely lovely, I suppose it's appropriate? Haha.)

It was fun to discuss the difficulties of staging certain scenes in Hamlet. I mean, this Billiam dude, this Shakespeare got himself in a bit of trouble with some scenes. I wonder how he coped with it? Anywho...:P

After that I came back to the flat and worked on my politics paper for what seemed like hours. I sent that thing to probably makes no sense by now...I've been working on it for entirely toooooooo long. UGH.

Anyway after that I went over to Kemper's (because I'd done all my other homework for now) and we chilled. Hillary and Kemper and I went to the Pub Quiz tonight at the college arms. I am almost positive we came in last for the tallying of scores. I mean, hey, our name was : "Latin for 'fail.'" If that doesn't get the message across I don't know what will...

But we had fun trying to guess all the answers. I thought I'd at least be able to help in the geography apartment, but apparently not. I need to start studying some maps again for next week (if we go that is). :P

We didn't stay for the reading of the scores aloud, that would have been horrible. But apparently, our counterpart team won tonight. Go figure.

I can't really think of anything else great to tell you that occurred today. I finally got so cold I had to wear a very heavy sweater under my coat...if that's any indication of how cold I am...I just got out of the shower and I'm STILL cold. STILL cold. Sheesh.

I miss you guys. I hope all is well...

I'm home soon!



  1. I didn't do anything today except go to the library. Are you wearing what I got you for your BD? I guess it didn't snow. I haven't seen Jess today since she went to the college thing. I'm sending you an e-mail. It is an Irish "Amazing Grace". Just close you eyes and enjoy. I've played it a million times and I love it. I have to go back to the dentist on Friday. My filling fell out and I have to get it fixed. No fun. I'll write again tomorrow. Hurry home. I love you....Gramner

  2. I hate to tell you but the temperature yesterday was 79 and it supposed to be 81 today. I know that will sound good to you but I am so tired of summer. It is almost Thanksgiving and no rain and no cold. Guess we are just saving cold weather for you to come home. I'm counting the days. I hope you are not working too much. We have lots of things to do before you go back to school. I love you....Gramner

  3. Well, hey there miss Becca! Guess what I now finally have a bike now!! Wahoo! So i hear old Jack Frost payed you a visit huh? Well just hang in there chickie, you'll be home soon. Love ya Sis!

  4. Gramner - I'll bring the cold. Trust me, it always works that way doesn't it? Just twenty days. I"M SO EXCITED. Have you made a to-do list for us yet? I like to cross things off of least I do over here. Haha. I miss you. I can't wait for coffee when we get home. Hopefully I'll bring good coffee weather. :)

    Jess - A BIKE? Be careful I don't want you breaking your other hand in half missy! Sounds fun though. Jack Frost is mean to me - it's cold all the time. But at least London is warmer than Scotland. Thank goodness! I'll be home soon. Brush Simba for me. It's amazing how much you miss your pet when you don't get to see him for three months! <3
