Saturday, November 27, 2010

Football anyone? think I prefer the American kind to soccer. I shall fill you in on my beautiful 'football' experience after I start out with my whole day!

Ok...but first I forgot to mention that last night Hillary, Kemper, and I went to Benito's hat for the last time! I got a Margarita because they have a two for one Margarita happy hour. I liked it...but I only ever need to have one of those. Whew.

Anywho, I don't know why I forgot to mention that but I got all upset that I didn't tell you guys about it because Benito's has been such a part of my London experience over here. :)

Alright on with today. So I woke up and Kemper and I went to Portobello road. I managed to get the last couple of gifts that I needed to get for now I can mark everybody off the Christmas list. :)

And Kemper and I got some fresh food for dinner tonight. Kemper made this awesome broccoli, cheese, and potato bake thing with sauteed mushrooms and lovely bread. I'm telling you what, it was lovely.

But I'm getting ahead of myself...we got back from Portobello road...and I just had to have some coffee. It's so cold over here...I feel like there's less people out on the streets and I think it's because of the weather...but I could just be making that up.

Anywho, after coffee we put on a million layers for the match. We went to see the Queen's Park Rangers take on Cardiff (which is a Welsh team...) AND MAN! I will simply say it was an experience. I have never been to a sport game that loud before. I may have possibly blown both of my eardrums out...Well maybe not. We were in the home team section...and we had really nice seats actually.

By the end of the game I was totally into it, screaming at the refs and all that. However, I will say, for those of you who think soccer is boring...go to an Enlgish football game. I don't want to hear any complaints about the bore of the sport. I think that's all I'll say on the matter on this blog...I come home in FOUR DAYS so I'll tell you the whole story when I get there. :)

After the game (and after my toes had frozen all the way off!) we got on the tube and rode all the way to King's Cross. King's Cross. Ring any bells? I went and got my picture taken in front of Platform Nine and Three Quarters. No lie. I am an absolute Harry Potter nerd and I can't believe that I waited this long to mark that off of my to-do list. Yes they have a luggage cart halfway through the wall...! I would love to post the pictures for you, but you'll just have to wait till I get home! :D

Haha. Look I'm keeping you guys all waiting with baited breath aren't I?

After all the excitement we came back to Kemper's flat. Kemper made dinner (which I mentioned above - was AWESOME!) and I wrote my politics paper which is due on Monday. I am so ready for the end of that class. I just have to proofread it tomorrow and then I'll be done with homework essentially until my Art and Architecture final.

Alright. I miss you guys! Sorry if these posts are short but I'm so ready to be home!



  1. The Razorback game was so good. I'm sure you know they beat LSU and can now go to a bowl. Your soccer game sounded like fun. Since you have played soccer you probably enjoyed the game more because already knew the rules. I sat in the stands watching you play mostly saying "why did they call that?" I'm glad you are getting to spend the last days seeing all the things that you have missed but it is TIME TO COME HOME NOW.
    It will be hard getting all your stuff together and packed but you only have FOUR DAYS. I can hardly wait. I love you ...Gramner

  2. Gramner - I did know about the hogs...everyone likes to update their status on Facebook about it, haha. I really enjoyed the soccer game, I can't wait to tell you about how crazy it was! Guess what...Three days now. No big deal...I'll only get to see you this week. I hope you're ready cause I sure am. Thanks for commenting, I love you!

  3. Becca, I know your having fun in London, but Jessie says get your but back in the US., so i can decorate our Tree!Now that we got that settled, I'm very excited about the Hogs victory over LSU! In your face MRS. Askea!:(- Phbt! Sorry i had to get that out. Well the party was a lot of fun, we had every body show up. To bad you missed all the Razorback madness. Oh well, Cheerio Darling.
    Love, Jess

  4. Don't worry Jess, we'll get the tree soon. I pinky promise. I miss you. I'll be home in two days and I expect I huge hug. :D

  5. Hey Z, I'm glad you got to witness true, European football. It's bananas and very physical! Enjoy your last few days/assignments/runs/coffee.
    See you shortly.
