Friday, November 26, 2010

Six days of singing...

I come home in six days. The next five days of my life are going to be extremely busy and a whirlwind! Let me start with updating you on today and then telling you all the things I have to do so you can keep up with me. I can barely keep up with me...

Alright. Today was Friday...and I'm done with classes besides the finals I need to study for/write papers for. They're pretty much all papers except for one and that's essentially an in-class paper. I really have to do a lot of writing.

I woke up this morning at seven and I thought that I could sleep for about two more hours. Well...I did sleep for a bit longer and I didn't wake up until ten thirty. I grumbled and mumbled and made myself get up and go running.

I enjoyed running today because London was really sunny. However, I got trapped in a group of Italian tourists that were shouting at me. I couldn't figure out what they were going on about. I think the only thing they COULD have been pointing at was my leggings, which I had tucked into my socks because I have to do laundry before I can have my real running socks. I didn't want to bleed on my heels...that hurts! But sheesh, what did they expect? It's cold out there...literally it has been so cold today!

After running I showered and everyone was cleaning up the crazy Thanksgiving mess that was in our flat last night. Haha. I took some pictures that may appear somewhere someday. It really was a great time.

I grabbed Hillary, we grabbed Kemper, and then we went to the library. We spent the whole day in the library and I wrote my Shakespeare final. I should have written my politics final because that one is due on Monday, but it's alright, I'll write it tomorrow and then bleed over it on Sunday.

Tomorrow I'm going to Portobello in the morning with Kemper and then we have a soccer match that we're going to watch at three. We're going as a group, the whole London group is going. I'm really excited, but it's going to be so cold! Luckily, I don't think it's supposed to rain. Don't worry, I'll wear neutral coloured clothing.

After that I just plan on writing my politics paper. Just bleeding tears into it...I hope he likes it. Ugh.

Then I'll probably update again and tell you all about the homework I've done! YAY! Haha.

Let's London to-do list is pretty long for the next five days. My homework is number one on my list, but I'm about to be done with that one. I am going back to Sticky Fingers and Harrod's on Sunday...and I plan on going to the eye once before I leave. Besides all of those things...I have to pack. I get so stressed about that...Momma will remember how I freaked out two weeks before I jetted off to London. I will cry when I hit US soil. I'm just so ready to be home, not that I haven't loved certain things about London and all that...I'm just ready to be home. In my little castle, with my familiarity, and my little familial unit.

I really wouldn't mind getting to see that Johnny Gately creature either. :)

I miss all of you guys. I hope you had a Happy Turkey Day. Gramner sent me some pictures. :)

Cheers for now...See you oh-so-soon.


  1. I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. We all smiled for you but we were missing you. Michelle looked so happy. I am glad about that. The guys are coming tomorrow to see the game. Granddad asked me where his lunch was and I said in the fridge. He laughed. He knew I wasn't doing anything today except reading a book. Jess rode her bike down to the house this morning and then I think they cleaned house all day. I'm going to miss reading your blog and writing to you when you come home in ONLY SIX DAYS. I love you...Gramner

  2. Becca,Well guess what? ONLY SIX MORE DAYS UNTIL YOUR HOMECOMMING!! Then it's party time! Wahoo! My only regret, is that I won't have your awesome blogs to read and comment bon daily. oh well, You've gotta come home so we can go to Larry's and get a Christmas Tree. Actually i was putting out my little american girl doll Tree today, and I decidecd to put my frosty London ornament on the tree, any way the ornament makes a perfect souvenior, and I'm going to keep it and put it on my x-mas tree when I've got kids. When they ask where i got it, I'll be able to say my Sister went to London and got it for me. I also cleaned out my cubbie hole, got Grandaddy to run a bunch of stuff to goodwill for me and Momma, and packed all my old stuffed animals away in boxes.
    come home soon,
    so that we can
    celebrate Christmas with you.
    :) love Jess

  3. Gramner! Can't wait!

    Jess - You sound so sophisticated and grown up! Don't get a tree without me! Miss you.
