Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween and Homework - the essential H's

Well hello there. Happy Belated Halloween. I shall now delve into the past two days.

(Free Fallin' - Tom Petty) Let's start with Sunday.

Sunday - October 31st (aka Halloween!)

So. Halloween is perhaps my favourite holiday - although it ties with Christmas...and only then because I get to see everyone at Christmas. (It's not really about the presents - I swear!) Kemper and I had big plans for Halloween.

Actually the funny part is that we really didn't. We just were in 'winging it' mode. I went running when I woke up and then I went over to Kemper's flat to discover that it was Day Lights savings...which means that I am now an hour closer to you guys for a week. How weird is that? Can't we all just switch our clocks at the same time? Apparently not. But the important thing is that now it gets dark over here at four.

NO WONDER all the English author's were depressed! It RAINS all the time and it's DARK. Ewww. You see - I make up for these things by eating brown sugar cinnamon poptarts. Like I'm doing right now. (Thanks Momma!)

(Shark in the Water - V V Brown) Anywho we then went to Waitrose to get things for our candy-apple making. We had big plans for these four apples that we bought on Thursday. Then we went to a cafe called Bea's of Bloomsbury and we ordered tea. I got a pot of Jasmine and Kemper got some intense sounding "dragon"-something or other Green Tea. Both were delicious.

In the windows at Bea's there was a huge cake with a bloody knife in it for Halloween (We were sitting outside because there wasn't room inside - and I had time to observe the dark-humoured wedding cake.) As people walked by and commented on the cake it looked like they were talking about Kemper and I. I even begn to think of us as marketing icons for the cafe. Ha.

Anywho - after that we returned to the flat for baking and to check Time Out London for interesting things to do on this particular Hallow's eve. First we melted caramel (the neat stuff we got from the old-school sweet shop in Soho) and then we melted chocolate. We got a kit at Waitrose because they had the little sticks that you put in the apples. Then we just swooshed them around in the chocolate and caramel and then added hazlenuts, m&ms, and sprinkles. I'm telling you. My apple put those apples we get at the beach to shame...

Probably it was just cool that I got to be involved with the making process. I think I ate more oreos than I put on my apple. (While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles) Next we made some bat cookies. Kemper found this neat little kit that had a bat cookie cutter and we still had a lot of icing from all our previous cake experiences. So we mixed butter and the mix and then made a lovely batch of bats. We each decorated some of them. I took a photo of the lovely little creatures. I've already had two of them. They were delicious.

Then we really perused Time Out. We decided to go to this show in Angel - which is the part of town where Candid (our cafe) is. We walked all the way there only to find out we had the place confused. The real venue (which is a host to fringe theatre) was located a short walk down the street. We got in and we sat down and we prepared ourselves for an interesting stand up act.

All in all it was a lovely, different interesting experience. I loved it. We got their brochure and discovered that they have a 'pay-what-you-can-night" and so we're going to go back soon for an actual production.

After that we went back, and I exhausted, fell into bed.

And so that brings us to today.

November 1 2010 (monday)

Today I got up and went running. When I say this you must remember that on the weekend I often do not get up until ten. It's going to suck having to have real class again someday. Ugh. (Actually me - the nerdlet I am - will enjoy that.) (Fix You - Coldplay)

After that I went over to Kemper's flat and we got ready to go to the Library. There we spent pretty much all afternoon getting a move-on in the Homework arena. It felt nice to do a bit of work actually, but it was really interesting because the lights went off in the library and we were out of power! WOOOOOOO - spooky.

And then we went to Pret A Manager to try and get free-wifi but we gave up and I got a mocha that was spiked with so much sugar that I may never go to bed ever! Haha. Except for soon considering that I'm really tired.

After that I came home and made some dinner (After Kemper and I layed down in the hallway and listened to the BEST. MUSIC. EVER! It was a good moment.)

Then I trotted off to choir again. Round two. It's a bit weird to only sing things like "Kum By Yah" and "Amazing Grace" but the harmonies are beautiful when we get it right. And it's a lovely way to spend two hours of my life. Singing. Something I totally love doing with all my heart.

Today there was a new girl there named Heather. She seems a little bit older than me, or more mature or something. She complemented my boots and wanted to know where I could get them. I am not vain or anything but I mention this because I was totally impressed with the way she was dressed. I just take it as a compliment that a Londoner (a student - but still) complimented the way I, Becca, was dressed. My fashion sense is a bit lacking I think, and mostly involves things that don't match. :) I like to be comfortable.

Also at choir - (Little Wing - Jimi Hendrix) there was a bit of a mess involving me. Let me explain. Today was the day you had to have your membership form completed. Well I didn't know how to fill mine out exactly because I don't really go to the University of London. Ugh. But I AM part of the union, so after literally fifteen minutes of a very confused conversation with the treasurer we figured it out. They said I may not have to pay membership because I won't even get to go to the concert because I"ll only be here for a limited time only.

Doesn't that make me sound like a special edition toy from MacDonald's or something...or maybe a product on TV. This offer is for "a limited time only!" Haha. On a brighter note - that means I'll be coming home soon. Can't wait, can't wait. I'm glad to be here but I'll be glad to be home. Miss you guys terribly - hope everything is going well.



  1. You know what I miss? You never say what you wear only what you eat. Where did you get the boots? I bet you are tired of the clothes you took with you. I didn't know they had daylight savings time there. Do you need any recipes for Thanksgiving? I can tell you how to make dressing if you want. Your Mum came down tonight and looked at your pictures. We haven't had any for a while and we enjoyed seeing them. I think you were having some fun times. I can hardly wait to vote tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes. Only 30 days. I love you ...Gramner

  2. Becca, I hear your competing with my coking skils. But I wil have you know that I made about a dozen cupcakes that bi took to the fayettville game, and i was lucky i got one! (no kidding)I mean i must have good cooking abilities or something. Well the Hogs wooped Vandy! Wahoo! I've only got a three day week, and Friday I'm going to look at my Senior pics, that'll be fun. I'm totally jealous of you and your caramel apple making ways!
    Love, Jess

  3. C Well it is quite nice actually to talk (kinda) to you. I am having a time with Jessie's samll laptop. I understand there will not be time to post with all the homework coming up but we will survive. I know the family is reading but we do need more comments! Come on Family comment! It is rainy depressing here also. I can't wait for beach time. Maybe I can visit cousin Betty soon. Love you and miss you Mumsy.

  4. Gramner - I guess I dress cute all the time so I figure that it's a given in all my descriptions. ;) Haha, I'll see what I can do. The day lights saving thing is weird. 29 more days! WOO HOO.

    Jess - Did you save me a cupcake? I got your package today. I love you. You are the sweetest sister in the whole world.

    Mumsy - I loved talking to you. I got to talk to Dad too, so tell Jess I love her. I don't want her feeling left out. Try to survive the rain - I know you'll get a beach fix and if not - we'll do something better. ;) Miss you and love you.
