Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Your cat eats cold waffles?

Apparently, Mandi's cat eats cold waffles. You learn something new everyday.

Well hello there! What's up? I'm chilling (literally freezing) laying on the floor in the hallway of my flat. It's so hard to get good internet in here sometimes.

Today was pretty good, minus the fact that London all the sudden is extremely cold. I am such a Southern girl in the sense that...I can't take this 'freezing' business! Seriously, I don't know how people do this every day. How are you supposed to get up out of your cocoon when it's sooooo warm? HOW?

Well somehow I do (just barely) and go to class. I went to British Life and Culture this morning. We discussed the movie we saw last week, which was interesting enough. After that we had a nice dude come talk to us about British Sports. I tried to listen to what he was saying about the rules of Cricket...but I'm afraid that one will always just go over my head...

Anywho, after class I went running. We did learn when the sports dude was talking to us that the people in London who are running with backpacks on their backs are training...and generally the backpacks have weights and such in them. Isn't that absolutely ridiculous? I now know why they look at me like I'm not running fast enough. I'm probably running fast enough I just don't look hardcore because I've got my little pink shorts on with leggings and alas...no backpack. For the first half of my run I let this bother me...and then I just started laughing really hard. Who cares what anyone thinks of me when I'm running? I probably look ridiculous anyway, but who am I trying to impress? My last running distance...sheesh. :)

Then once I finished this dialogue in my head as well as returned to my flat I showered, made lunch, and then went to Kemper's. I got two letters today. :) I really like a good poem. Then Kemper and I decided to go to Hyde Park to find the Peter Pan statue. So we went all the way into the Kensington neighbourhood to find the park to find Peter. The only thing was, it took us forever to find him.

And then when we found him, he wasn't as big as I thought he would be. But hey. What can you do? It was really sunny today for London (at least the way it's been lately) and I found myself reveling in the sunshine. However, London was hazy today. As I was running back towards St. Paul's I saw a darkish cloud around the rotunda and thought that rain was nigh...nope. It was the dusky, hazy light that the sun has been attempting to shine through all day. It was kind of creepy and mystical.

Also, when we were in the park it was all misty and foggy. The sun was still out and such, but it was strange and sort of...well...ghostly or something. Haha. You never know with London.

We hopped back on the tube and turned up over by our flats. We then got our books and trudged to the Library. I did a bunch of research for my Beatles paper today. I took notes from some books from the library. I was excited to get as much done as I did. Now really, all I need to do is sit down and write a rough draft and make a powerpoint. This will be a fun presentation to give to the class.

I need to work some more on this Riddley Walker story of mine that I'm coming up with. Good old saint nick. I'm not sure if I've explained that assignment...but I don't really feel like it right now so I'll have to do that later. Haha.

I've got to come up with an idea for a paper article for hendrix. It's got to be London related. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm absolutely drawing a blank.

Let's see after the library I made dinner and chilled out with Hillary and Kemper. And now here I am cold. GAH.

Guess what? 16 Days. I'm keeping a count and I'm excited for any temperature besides freezing...but if you could keep Arkansas in the seventies...that would be lovely. :)

Miss you guys!



  1. Just pick any of the blogs you have written and send one to Hendrix. Dreary day today. Granddad went to the lake to finish your lights so you can go when you come home. I was going to wax the floor today but I can't get the child proof lid off the can. One of the hold down and turn kind. It frustrating but I get to read my book instead of working. Only 15 days and counting and then it's party time. I love you...Gramner

  2. No worries about the Hendrix article, apparently they are going to use the one I sent in from last month. Hmmm...LIGHTS. That's sweet of him, he didn't have to do that. Only fifteen days...and I'm a couple of minutes away from it being only fourteen days, which is literally only two weeks! Which is completely fine after three whole months! I miss you.

