Thursday, November 4, 2010

You and me were like a pair of shoes we broke each other in...

Well hello there! Before I go any further - the title of this post is from the show that I saw at the fringe theatre on Halloween. It's literally part of a song taken from the production, "I Think You Stink." Currently it's stuck in my head so I thought I would share.

Alrighty. Well let's get to it then.

I am going to SCOTLAND tomorrow! So that means sadly that I won't post again until Monday or Tuesday. But no worries, I'm charging my camera as we speak so I'm hoping to get some great photos.

Now, back to today. I woke up today to get ready for Politics. I was in a cheerful mood and decided that I would give myself enough time to go get a coffee from Cafe Nero. So I did. I believe that they have better white chocolate mochas than Starbucks, or I could just be used to my coffee Nero style by now. (I refuse to go into Starbucks - we have those at home.)

Anywho I then made my way up to the classroom. We discussed Riddley Walker today. I really don't know how I feel about that book. I actually think I have some fundamental problems with it but I don't think I'll get into that just now.

After class I went on an intense run by the Thames path. It was nice weather today, probably nicer than it is in Arkansas right now. No worries though, I'll freeze my toes off in Edinburgh. After my run I showered and had a quick lunch and then Kemper and I were planning on going to Camden.

The only problem was that I took so long getting ready to do all this that it was late by the time we were ready. I mean late as in three thirty. That may not sound late to you but it get's dark over here at four thirty. Camden pretty much closes when it gets dark and an hour was not enough time to peruse the many twists and turns of the market.

So, instead we went to Kemper's flat and baked a cake thing. I think it was a cake? All I know was that it was delicious. It had plums and strawberries a top/embedded in a light, fluffy vanilla cake. It was moist and spongey. How's my restaurant review doing? Haha. I'm tired you guys I'm doing the best I can.

Anyway after that we planned some more for Scotland in my flat and I did some laundry. Then Kemper went over to her flat to pack and get ready and I did some homework. Yay Shakespeare. Sounds exciting doesn't it? My day was nice, actually. I'm a little stressed about all these projects that are just going to converge all at once - but hey. What can you do?

I'm taking my knitting and my Beatles books with me for the bus ride. Perhaps I can do homework and knit at the same time? I always thought I was a multi-tasker.

OH YES. I remember. I almost forgot to tell you guys about the Becca moment of the day. I fell down whilst running. (Actually that makes it sound more graceful and acceptable than it really was.) I fell down whilst I was attempting to step onto a curb where the sidewalk was.

SO of course I did this ever so graceful (NOT - I probably looked like a flailing willow tree!) face plant onto the pavement. I skinned my knee and hands. Lovely. What am I seven? A black suit man offered me help but I nodded no politely to him. Then when I got up I burst into laugher. At least from all this I can laugh at myself. That shows some sign of maturity right? I should just learn how to use my legs and we wouldn't have this problem in the first place. Sheesh.

Anywho I'm tired and I have to get up early in the to my little familial unit. I miss you guys!



  1. I guess you are in Scotland at this time. I hope you are not too cold. Sorry about your fall while running, my genes, but I am glad you can laugh at yourself. This is a good quality. Jess and I are cleaning up this week-end and Diddy is working overtime. We are counting down the days until you arrive home. We will have to have a party when you recover from the flight.
    Missing you. Love Mumsy

  2. Becca, It's so nice hearing from you! Guess what, only three more weeks until your home comming! :) Yay! Then you'll have to tell us all about it and help a certain someone with all this "college business." Shesh what's a small Jess to do?!
    Love you, and missing you Sis

  3. I lost my first coment, I believe i said: Yay, only three more weeks until your home coming! I'm so glad to hear from you and can't wait to hear all ab out it. Then you'll have to help a certain someone with all this "college business." Lo,ve you and missing you.
    Love you,

  4. It's time to come home now (back to England). I just read about the snow storms and 70mph winds over there including Scotland. I went shopping this weekend with your Mom and Jess. Jess went fishing Sunday at the lake with Granddad. She got some bites but she didn't catch anything. I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. I hate that. It warm here this week but probably not for long. I miss hearting from you. I love you...Gramner

  5. Mumsy - I love you! I wish I was home to help clean. Poor Diddy working overtime like that. Ugh. I am literally just counting down the days. I loved Edinburgh but I'm glad to be back in London which is way warmer than Scotland!

    Jess - No worries. We'll get this college thing sorted out. I'm glad you're taking an interest. Literally just three weekends...Only three. And then I'll be back across the hall to bug you with leaving my light on at night. :P

    Gramner! - I'm back in England no worries. I updated the blog just for you! I'll do better in updating, haha, it's hard when you don't have internet. I'm coming home sooooon!
