Saturday, November 13, 2010

Choose your own adventure

Hey there. Sorry I didn't update yesterday, but if you happen to be my mom I did! :) I think we talked for an much for me putting more money on my phone.

So let me backtrack a day....

Friday 12 November:

Ah Friday. You gotta love Friday. Let's see...I got up early (for a day in which I could have slept in) and I went on a little morning run. It was nice, but I should have gotten up even earlier so that I could have the city to myself. I love the moments when I feel like I own the streets. Haha. Fat chance of that happening when there's millions living in this city.

After that I took a shower, had lunch and then popped over to Kemper's. I sort of have a routine going on here don't I? Anyway, we went to the Tea and Tattle to plan out the weekend (study schedule) and I really wanted a traditional pot of tea. Something about having 'fancy' dishes and such is amazing. I tried oolong tea. Apparently it's from Taiwan? I liked it. :P

After that we went and captured Hillary and went on an epic walk in the rain to Candid to work on Shakespeare. We all annotated our sections and such and I got another cup of tea (three mint - even better than peppermint!). We don't have pukka in Arkansas - it's a brand of tea. It seems to be really popular in the little independent cafes and such.

Anyway, after that we made stuffed pepper's at Kemper's flat (both vegetarian and meat-lovers options) and we watched a movie. Superbad to be specific...which is a guy movie but it makes me laugh sometimes.

After that I passed out...after I spent an hour on the phone with mumsy. So onwards and forwards...

Saturday 13 November:

Once again, I got up early to go running. You know what? I hate running in the morning, but this whole - it gets dark at four thirty thing has really forced me into running early. I would way rather run with the sunrise than with the darkness...besides I think my parents would disown me for being unsafe...:-/

But fortunately I managed to get up and go running. After that, I showered ate and went to Kemper's because we had a date to go to Camden market. I finally decided to spend some of the money that I had saved for spending. :P

SO...what did I buy myself? Albums. If you're curious to know which ones...leave me a post! AHHHHH the suspense is killing me. I'm quite happy with my purchases though. I also got a new bag (a newsprint one to replace my old one) a ring, a necklace, a pair of earrings...and something that mumsy requested. :)

I saved the rest of my spending money for Liverpool and Oxford.

After we went to the Market we went to the library and wrote our Shakespeare papers. I have a first tomorrow I'll probably finish it up. I'm still waiting on Barnaby to approve my selection for my presentation on Wednesday...till then I can't do anything for that. UGH.

Anywho after the library we came back to my flat and chilled with Hillary before she had to go see a show tonight. Then Kemper and I went to the store and got food stuff for dinner. We had a Mexican Fajita/Guacamole night. Oh man it was sooooo good. I love Tex-Mex. These people over here are NOT EVEN CLOSE. Someone ought to introduce them to Taco Bell. Just sayin.

Anyway I tried to make Mumsy's famous guacamole dip, and it was alright, but not quite up to snuff...although it's pretty much all gone. :) Kemper also made a delicious cake. I'm telling you, she should just open a bakery because people should have to pay for something that is that delicious. :P

We chilled in the flat and such, watching TV and chatting, waiting for Hillary to come eat some cake. I'm so sleepy, I'm only forcing myself to update this because I want you guys to leave me posts! I'm a little stressed about all these papers I have mainly because I haven't homework in ages...:-/ UGH.

And I want you to guess the albums I bought. And I want to tell you that tomorrow I'm going on a Beatles London walk. I'll be sure to update tomorrow and let you know how that one goes. I miss you guys. Jess I hope you liked your college visit today I was thinking about you.

Also. I miss that silly cat! Simba. Sheesh.



  1. The ice skating rink is opening the 20th. You can go when you come home. I went to lunch today with Karen (Mark's girlfriend) her mother and her grandmother and Aunt Pam. We went to Hamburger Hamburger but it isn't as good as Buffalo Grill. Then we went to Sandra's house to see Mark. That is where they are staying but we didn't get to see Mark because he was at drill. I just talked to your Mumsy and she said you were doing good. So our list now includes sewing and stained glass making. You know we have to bake things. Maybe you should bring Kemper home with you and she can bake. The Razorbacks are on and they were not doing too good so I came to talk to you. Guess I need to go watch some more
    and fix Granddad some dinner. I love you Gramner

  2. The Razorbacks won of course. On Friday it was 80 degrees and yesterday it was 56. I guess winter is finally here. I have an ad for Hancock's if I knew what you wanted. Why don't you send me an e-mail so we can decide what your projects are. I don't know where everyone else is. I'm the only one writing to you but I am sure lots of people are reading your blog. Have a nice day. Love you...Gramner

  3. NOTRE DAME WON WE ARE THE BESTEST haha i'm reading your blog! and you are mad at me right now because you can hear me typing on skype video and you think i'm not paying attention to you but I am!

  4. Gramner - Did you get onion rings at Hamburger Hamburger? I remember those being really good. Good thing the hogs won, eh? Crazy Arkansas weather huh? Sounds like home! I will send you an email either tomorrow or the next day with project ideas. Love you! Miss you.

    Johnny - You are a silly mongoose. Great thing that Notre Dame won, eh? Funny how you trick me like that, typing when I think you're not paying attention and really you're just mult-tasking. I miss you. (Ok.)
